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  1. B

    What have you bought firearms related in the last 48 hours?

    Auction today. I got seven ammo cans, some with ammo in them. And an unappreciated S&W tip-up Number 1-1/2 First Model with a 4” barrel (1 of 200 in that length).
  2. B

    In a World of Compacts, Is it Bad my EDC is a Full Size?

    If you can conceal it, carry the most effective gun you have.
  3. B

    What Discontinued Firearm Would You Like To See Comeback?

    As far as the 3rd Gen S&Ws go, I’d take another 3913. Other than that, I’ll pass. I’m just not a fan of DA autos.
  4. B

    What Discontinued Firearm Would You Like To See Comeback?

    S&W model 12. Also the 13/65, 15/67, 58, and the 16 .32 H&R Mag, but mostly the 12.
  5. B

    Glock & 1911 Dropped from a 20 Story Tower: Which One Survived?

    That’s what I always liked about SWAT magazine. Gun test? They would take it to a class and shoot it all day for 3-5 days. That’s how you get to know a gun and find the good and bad points.
  6. B

    Benelli M4

    I forgot about the factory adjustable stock. It is pretty expensive when bought as a replacement, so I ignored it. Is there an SGA adapter for the M4 now? There wasn’t when I got mine…that I knew of. That $1750 price was 2022, and at one place. Most were 1850-1900 then. Midway and RK Guns...
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    Benelli M4

    I have a Benelli M4, and an M1 Super 90 and prefer them over others I have. FWIW, I have a few other types of defensive shotguns including short Rem 870, Win M12, Ithaca 37, High Standard K120, and a Rem 11 (Browning A5) that I’ve given the whole treatment. My favorites were the Benelli M1 and...
  8. B

    Pros and Cons of a Backup Gun

    You don’t know what you’re talking about! I had to clean my phone screen:)
  9. B


    Yeah it was here and gone before most of us knew about it. Now they bring a few shekels. I’d say S&W could gather a clue from that.
  10. B

    Mr Garand

    Same here. I have one, shot it some, then saw it was risky. Oh well, I lived.
  11. B


    Yes I did, most times we shot very close. I was really hoping for a Model 12UC (or 412UC or whatever form it takes) at SHOT this year, but I’ll keep waiting and hoping. A K-frame Centennial Airweight would be even better since I’m dreaming.
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    Mr Garand

    He just had a birthday Jan 1. Only what-137 years young! There was a Garand clone. SA did it a couple of times. Once in the 80s and again around 2000-ish. I think the 80s ones might’ve been OK. There were enough GI parts around then. I had one of the ones from ~25 years ago. It wasn’t...
  13. B


    I like all of those. When I carry a revolver as primary, it’s a 4” SB 65, or 3” RB 65. A fixed sight K-frame is a rock. I know my 15 or 19 are more versatile with their adjustable sights, but the fixed sight models are so much more snag-resistant. I would love a 10/13/64/65 with UC sights.
  14. B


    1) why did you chose your revolver-? I like them especially for secondary gun use, because those often get carried where there is dirt/lint/crud and a finger-powered gun can often work through that. They also work well in close or contact distance. 2) how to you EDC-? If the revolver is the...
  15. B

    Pros and Cons of a Backup Gun

    Aww, poo. I signed up to comment at the article and then saw it was four years old.
  16. B

    Pros and Cons of a Backup Gun

    I almost always carry more than one gun. Why? Guns break. Guns are machines and all machines break eventually. I don’t know when “eventually” might be. Saying your gun has never failed/I only buy quality guns/That’s not very likely/Etc, does nothing to keep it from happening. ————...
  17. B

    See if you can pick out the things written by each of these "Gun Gurus" that made me roll my eyes.

    The bird shot house load always makes me cringe. I can tell they’ve never shot any wallboard with birdshot to see what happens. I’m always afraid this advice will lead to overconfidence in the “safety” of the load.
  18. B

    anyone here watch....

    I can’t take Hannity. Laura Ingraham’s choices in men tells me all I need to know about her. (Former NJ dem Senator Robert Toricelli and off-his-rocker Keith Olbermann.) Jesse Watters I’ve only seen a few times. He seems OK, but I could see him getting old. Gutfeld is fine, as are his...
  19. B

    What have you bought firearms related in the last 48 hours?

    Well, the grip angle was better.