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  1. G

    Federal 45 acp cases

    Just bought a 200 pack of Federal 45 auto 230 grain ammo. To my surprise I found they are loaded with small pistol primers. I’m sure they will fire and function ok but I sure don’t want to mix them with normal 45 brass for reloading. I’d never have bought them if I’d known that! Couldn’t find...
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    Springfield Armory at the SHOT Show

    I was hoping they would come out with a 9mm commander size TRP with an aluminum frame…
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    Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II — Gun with a Plane Around It

    One of the A10 flight suit patches used to say “Go Ugly Early”.
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    And the watch collection is getting bigger

    How can you tell what time it is if you can’t see Mickey’s hands?
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    1st Rounds through the Staccato C - 11/27/2024

    I’ve been leering and lusting over that one…
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    Tenicor Now Making Velo5 for Hellcat and Pro

    Wow! $125 for a plastic holster?
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    Well *expletive*, Now I'm going to have to sell my Prodigy Comp......

    That staccato is a slick piece of gear! I bought a C2 last year and I’m talking myself into a C now.
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    Pentagon fails 7th audit

    A billion here and a billion there and pretty soon you’re talking about real money!
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    Hellcat Pro Comp Trigger Woes

    My trigger also rubbed my finger. Of all the many pistols and revolvers I’ve shot this was the only one to do that. I replaced it with an Apex. It didn’t do magic but it did definitely help. Love the gun though
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    NY times tech staff goes on strike just before election

    Bet their 100 readers are upset…
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    Respect... poof all gone bye bye

    Sergeant should be an E5. I bet he pissed off an admin clerk who took a peek at his service record book and realized the Purple Heart was missing…and then looked at all the other ribbons.
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    TRP in 9mm this coming shot show?

    I have a 45 TRP that has been fantastic over the last several years. I just did my pistol qualification with it the other day. If they came out with a 9mm commander size TRP with an aluminum frame I’d have to get one as a carry gun.
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    Acorns the country boy favorite

    Wait until your father comes home!
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    This is getting serious

    They could take out half our aircraft in one coordinated drone attack just like Pearl Harbor. Every university in the US has a sizable Chinese population of students and faculty that have access to the entire US. Think they are here by accident?
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    Kamala's Gun

    Does she practice the “El Presidente” drill?
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    An American classic - Smith & Wesson 39 - First Gen. Auto

    I had one of these too. My first handgun. Very nice piece! Wish I’d kept it
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    USN Commander relieved of duty

    Cue The Village People—In the Navy!
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    BassCliff deciding on his 1st AR-15, HELP!

    Look hard at the Rock River rifles. Mine will shoot less than half inch at 100 yards in a 5 shot group. I’ve had zero malfunctions in the weapon. DEA and FBI chose them about 20 years ago on a five year contract. High quality piece of gear.
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    the olympics survey

    I would rather mow the lawn…