It's not a TRP, or a Loaded. They come with ambi safeties. And the TRP has checkered or textured front straps. It appears to be a prettied up Range Officer Elite Operator 10mm, with a Novak style rear sight instead of the newer rears. It's a very nice looking gun, in a great caliber. I have...
I don't have an EDC. I have an EDC rotation between several guns. Yep...I am proficient with all of them. They include 1911s in 10mm, 9mm, 45 ACP and SIG 357, a Ruger LC9, S&W 442, S&W 624, Colt Python (2020 version) and a host of others.
Love my Springfield MC Operator. I've upgraded mine with a TRP Magwell. I've used my for a duty gun, and as a 3gun and IDPA competition gun. While I've not kept a record of round count, I feel confident it's in the 10,000 round area. I've owned this one since 2011 or so. Mine is a pre front...
I know my limitations. I carry with a security holster, even concealed. I'm not going to make a 1 second draw or hit, but 2 to 2.5 seconds is doable. My most carried guns are full size 1911s.
I have a 3" EMP in 9mm. Very easy to carry, very reliable. Came from the factory with a front sight that was way too tall, causing me to shoot low with it consistently. I replaced the front sight with a lower Dawson fiber optic. It doesn't shoot the greatest groups, but I still like it a lot.