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  1. E

    President Joe Biden has pardoned his son, Hunter

    How it really went down!!!
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    CZ P10 F in .45 ACP

    I have a full size 2.0 45 and a 4” compact 2.0 45 with the full size 10 round grip. I call it my polymer commander I have had M&Ps since they first came out had a 1.0 45 then got a 9mm M&P. Having duty ammo in 9mm at the time from my agency i traded that 45 for a 1.0 9c for my Daughter and...
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    CZ P10 F in .45 ACP

    If I wasn’t so invested in an HK45 LEM and a couple M&P 45 2.0’s and a 625 wheelgun I’d be tempted
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    Wilson Combat Division 77 Project

    I guess it’s sort of the same with BMW owners!
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    Wilson Combat Division 77 Project

    I use to shoot weekly bowling pin matches and a lot of those guys got so into it they bought some staccatos and high end CZ’s or Mclirin 1911 and a couple had Les Baer and Wilson’s . The majority would have been better off sticking to their Colt Competition 1911 or Glock, Sig whatever and...
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    Wilson Combat Division 77 Project

    While mechanically yea in reality not a lot of shooters have that ability as the top shooters are already pressing it. And iver a 10-13 stage nationals if they do everything right maybe but anyone that shoots knows that can be taken away in one stage oops! Sort of like people that complain the...
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    Wilson Combat Division 77 Project

    I’m saying 3.4 grand more than what a Glock or similar would be
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    Wilson Combat Division 77 Project

    While Wilson Combat makes some nice guns spending about 3.4 grand for saving a 0.01 split time or to save a second in split times over a Glock 19 M&P of SA Eschilon is crazy to me...
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    I’m Thinking She’s Seriously Regretting Her Decision

    And a couple days later!!!
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    President Joe Biden has pardoned his son, Hunter

    This made me laugh
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    President Joe Biden has pardoned his son, Hunter

    Of course the other issue I have is during that whole crack epidemic Legislation sponsored by Biden locked up how many low income people of color on an enhancement??? A ton of them Threw the book at them but not thee!
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    President Joe Biden has pardoned his son, Hunter

    My point is they say they “want” enhanced background and to stem the issue of prohibited folks trying to buy a gun through a dealer and here is a perfect example but hit a little too close to home!!!
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    President Joe Biden has pardoned his son, Hunter

    This also shows they were never serious about “enhanced” background checks. If they were Hunter would be going to prison. And the statement Joe made about his son being unfairly prosecuted because it wasn’t during a “crime” is laughable and shows the mindset why Trump made gains in all the...
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    New FBI director Mr. Patel

    I am hopeful but not 100% sure there will Be across the board changes everyone is wanting. But this was on my FB feed and thought it was appropriate LOL
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    smoke/carbon monoxide detectors...BS

    Supposedly (a fire alarm person I trust mentioned this) the run of the mill Smoke detectors like you see at Walmart only have about a 50% accuracy rate so if that’s the one you use he recommended 3 of them The commercial grade ones are far better but usually those come with a monthly or yearly...
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    Compact Echelon?

    That whole removable chassis or FCU is probably the most oversold capability in firearms the last few years. While OK cool it’s not a make or break item for me I will get a whole 2nd gun. The one area I feel it is invaluable is those states that make a second or 3rd gun (or even the first...
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    Marines’ New Sniper Rifle Declared Fully Operational A Year Early

    While I want the Military to have the best gear there is one issue and as Pat Rodgers said “Mission drives the gear” so there’s a point where to much is maybe too much! I will relate this to the LE side but there is some carry over. I was on the SORT team on a Federal agency for about 14...
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    Tom Givens’ Casino Drill

    Yes as it forces one to think and keep track while reloading. You can also switch it up like one 6 one 7 and one 8 round mag but mix them up so you don’t know which mag you start reload or finish with You can also shoot it backwards 7-1
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    Pam Bondi has a sketchy record on 2A

    I get it and I am just respectfully discussing my outlook All is good.
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    Pam Bondi has a sketchy record on 2A

    I just don’t get to worked up on it as Hayes said it was going to happen and she seems to have done her job on ensuring the due process was met and not just anyone could cry wolf certain items and procedures had to be met