Im from Aroostook county, Maine.
The deer that need to survive Maine, Canada and Northern US states are crazy big to rest of states.
A texas deer is a fawn in maine for size. You have to be tough and big to survive feet of snow non stop in Northern states
Some years even that won't save them. Too much snow is too much snow. They can get pretty weak from just browsing on tree limbs.
I remember one really bad year we went up north and we're driving around. We saw a few deer laying out in the sun. A big bodied doe tried to stand when we got close but fell several times then finally walked slowly away into the woods. My wife, God bless her tender heart said oh look her legs are sleeping she can hardly walk. I just said yes and did not say she was starving. Better she just lives in her world sometimes. She is a better nicer person thsn me and thst i admit, I married way up...