
California Lawmaker more Interested in Gun Control than Virus Control

Just did some research on the "lawmaker" in the linked article. Here's a link to his voting history. I only read page 1, and didn't bother reading the additional pgs of his votes.

He want's to keep guns from law abiding citizens, but I'm sure is in lock step with the Governor to provide "stimulus" relief to "Undocumented" illegal immigrants at taxes payer expense, No Questions Asked. I'm sure there are those (like me), that weren't eligible for the government's relief package (which is also paid for by tax paying dollars), but then they have more of their tax dollars go to this. I'm not unsympathetic towards these people, I'm sure that charities can provide for a large percentage to help them (which I know is part of the Governors plan, but at a lower percentage than that of tax dollars). Then they release thousands of prisoners (just in LA and surrounding area alone), that I'm sure the bulk of which will have no problems securing a gun, all the while taking away a constitutional right from law abiding citizens. I find these people deplorable and hypercritical, as their family's I'm sure will be well protected. :mad: