Have you ever practiced clearing your house?
Yes, I've practiced several times, both in daylight and low light conditions.
What weapons have you used?
Usually my CCL weapon if I'm clearing in the scenario of coming home and finding my house unlocked and the carport door open...which, incidentally, I've had to do twice over my sixteen years at my house. Both times the carport door that leads into the house was wide open and unlocked. Both times there was nothing gone from the house and no one was inside. I had to chalk it up to forgetting to pull the door closed when I left both times, but you talk about having to fight an adrenaline dump as your clearing the house? It was definitely heart pumping for a few minutes.
What challenges have you discovered?
That although I'm well trained with my handguns and rifles, I do NOT want to ever actually participate in an armed encounter with an intruder in my house, there's so many variables to try and plan for. I like to ready for the worst case scenario, but I by no means want that scenario to happen.
Have you tried clearing your house starting in different rooms?
Yes, I've thought up a variety of scenarios and cleared accordingly.
Have you cleared your house in a low light condition?
Yes, using a tac light on my handgun, it's spooky.
What's the best advice you can share to other members who are interested practicing clearing their house?
If you have hardwood floors like I do, know the loud spots and where the worst creaks are. It's just about impossible to come thru my house without making noise due to the hardwood floors which I had put in. I don't much care for carpet with two boys running around the house, the messes are much easier to clean up..lol, but it does make it a bit harder to navigate the house without making noise. AND know your entry/exit points and escape routes, windows, doors, etc.