I have read all the great input and if I may I will present a few things that my wife and I have worked out and for us its based on two old folks that still have that will to survive. First as I have said B4 I was in law enforce with different outfits and I was a squid on a tin can in the 50s and 60s and a training officer in my last years but today is a unruly world and I have to face it I am old and a lot less mobile. I made up a safe room where I can put my wife with her 38spl and a 75 rounds of low recoil ammo ( she is very good ) we have a code word so she knows its OK its me. I have set up a defense position protecting access to safe room and no one can come in behind me and they have to enter my choke point. The other thing is staying in the fight even if your are wounded and I practice reloads with one hand and even reloading magazines with snap caps for practice. There is a med kit at my position and another in the safe room both have quick clot compression bandages along with water and yes I have a vest for her and she has a portable oxygen pack as she needs it 24/7 and yes there is more but I don't want bore you. My old age solution is I don't go to the fight as my plan puts my bad guys in a very bad position. I know I can't hunt them down so I let them come to me and they will if they believe they have the advantage. I only have my wife and I to protect and unfriendly guest comes calling it could very well be the end of his career. Its always better to have home field advantage. Practice is important for the future and I plan on taking care of my wife a few more years.
First Off, Thank You for your service to our nation

!!! Thank You for your service as a LEO

As an offical member of the "Old Guys Club" I can relate!!! I'm also retired military and Retired LEO and have slowed down some now as I've gotten older.
I'm very impressed with your defense plan, well thought out solution to having a plan for the home!!! Safe Room is great. I would also recommend having a phone or cellphone in your safe room so you can call

in the cavalry!!!
I keep my old cellphone in my "Safe Room" as a back up, along with a back up solar charger if the cellphone battery runs low while hunkered down. I have a small fridge stocked with water, and some food just incase my wife or I need a snack while hunkered down.
One plan I'm working on is having cameras throughout the house and yard with a additional monitor in the safe room. That way I can see every room and have the locations of any badguy, who dares to enter my residence at 2 am, provided they get past my German Shepard, who is also part of my alert system
Great plan, Stay Safe and Watch your Six Brother!!!