First let me say. I love the 45-70 for stopping a dangerously aggressive bear. However, only if loaded with moderately hot, BUT SAFE loads seated with 400gr hard cast and no further than,

lets say 50yds. As far as stopping a charge, your likely not going to be firing further than that anyway. I've got some Alaska Backpacker Ammo in 400gr hard cast. They have waaaay more snort than a load like a federal classic 400gr If you ever get a chance to fire the two loads in 45-70 that I just mentioned above? One after the other? Load the ABA hard cast into the magazine first then load the Fed classic in the magazine, so you're "firing" the Fed classic first. You'll notice a substantial amount of more recoil in the ABA load.

However, I'm not bothered by recoil Some people are terrified of firing a 300WM!
My 416 with the quick attach/detach break mounted on the rifle tames recoil by 25%-30% Id say and feels like a 375 H&H, but is deafening loud! I don't even use it anymore. Without the break? The .416 will definitely get your attention,

But its not punishing and extremely uncomfortable like the 378 or 460 WBM. Its not even I would call painful. Like I said. It'll get your attention.
Accuracy? Loaded with a 350 Grain Barnes TTSX the .416 definitely has accuracy capabilities out to 300 maybe more with a bit of practice, However, Ammo cost is substantial at $120-$150 a box, but I didn't buy it to shoot 300yrds. I don't see myself every firing it at anything over 100. Its a "Dangerous Game" stoping gun.
Hope all this info helps!