
Wayne LaPierre pays 4 million

I have been a NRA member since 1980 or so and am a Life Patriot Benefactor level, so I put some serious money into that organization. I am also a Certified Pistol and Rifle Instructor. They call me pretty often including today, but I have not given them money for many years now. I now give my support to Gun Owners of America, USCCA and the AKTI.
I have been a NRA member since 1980 or so and am a Life Patriot Benefactor level, so I put some serious money into that organization. I am also a Certified Pistol and Rifle Instructor. They call me pretty often including today, but I have not given them money for many years now. I now give my support to Gun Owners of America, USCCA and the AKTI.

Add FPC to that. (Firearms Policy Coalition) They are out there doing the lord's work.
I have been a NRA member since 1980 or so and am a Life Patriot Benefactor level, so I put some serious money into that organization. I am also a Certified Pistol and Rifle Instructor. They call me pretty often including today, but I have not given them money for many years now. I now give my support to Gun Owners of America, USCCA and the AKTI.
That seems to be the prevailing mood among the top revenue-givers. I knew about the NRA's rot 20 years ago and (though a lifer) I walked away in the hopes of sending a message... one that wasn't received by the masses. But I am confident that if the NRA Board offers up sincere penance and commits to repairing the breach, they can regain a measure of their old luster. But at my age, it won't be in my lifetime. I'm already a member/donor of FPC, and also a lifer with GOA and SAF. We must go where our donations will achieve the best results!
I’m an Endowment member and have been for several years, but I quit sending $$$ years ago. I got tired of multiple contacts/week wanting $$ while King Wayne was living the life of a king. I sincerely hope the NRA gets its crap together soon, no doubt we will need the in the future if the grabbers get back in power.
I sincerely hope the NRA gets its crap together soon, no doubt we will need the in the future if the grabbers get back in power.
GOA, SAF, FPC, CCRKBA, NAGR, and other state-level 2A groups are already doing this. They took up the slack long before the NRA fell from grace 6 years ago. Fact of the matter is, prior to that point, the NRA was stealing credit for the hard work of all the other groups, merely because in court cases they were filing amici briefs. That alone doesn't make it "your case". Moreover, prior to the court ruling against WLP, the hard work of all the aforementioned 2A groups were being thwarted in numerous instances because NRA HQ was interfering. People don't know or understand that William Brewer (the former outside counsel that was fleecing NRA for several HUNDREDS of $1000's a MONTH) is an antigun lawyer whose political donations has gone to Hardcore anti-2A Democrats like Hitlery Clinton, Ovomit, Chucky Schumer, Biden, etc.
When NRA became moribund a few years ago, and was doing nothing in the 2A defense space, that was when we started racking up
a lot of major court victories, particularly Bruen (2022). We've been on a hot streak ever since, and I am utterly convinced that this is because NRA HQ isn't able to meddle in cases. This is the end of a 100-year pattern of the NRA being gun owners' worst enemy! Here's the tally: