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    The Rationale for Defensive Hollow Points

    History is replete with such actions. Elected officials attempting to fix a perceived issue and not knowing the rational behind such activities. They approach it to gather a power base, and or make headlines. To many times this has been the case over the years in many subject areas. In this...
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    Sikorsky H-34 Choctaw: Vietnam War’s Unsung Hero?

    They were big, bad, loud and not pretty. Definitly underpowered. Some were later converted to gas turbine engines. But were slowly phased out. UH -1A & B's came inotplay. I recall vividly the UH 1D, HH3
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    The True Story Behind the Mattel M16 Rifle

    Why this photo does not show "Property of US Government" Serial number of 001 Yes mattel made some plastic parts for the early model which were then moved into fiberglass and or ABS
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    The True Story Behind the Mattel M16 Rifle

    Good article. Mattel was a nick name giving to the rifle when it first was issued. I am sure we have all heard the stories that the rifle was self cleaning. We have heard the stories that the army changed the ammo powder which resulted in malfunctions and very dirty rifles. As well deaths to US...
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    Manual Safety or Not: Too Dangerous To Carry?

    This specific topic has recently resurfaced and it is very approprite at any time in firearms discussions and points of view. I personally am a believer in pistol safeties. That said, I am a user of pistols with no safety and also attached safeies. I am a glock fan it is engineering and...
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    Does This Gun Prove That John Moses Browning Got the 1911 Wrong?

    Interesting article. As has been listed here already, after JMB finished the 1911 frame he travel to Europe and worked what some have called the Better 1911 which was the Browning Hi Power. The discussion is mute in my opinion as the 1911 style frame has been converted to so many different...
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    The Art of One-Handed Shooting

    I need to shoot one handed on the weak side is simple Cover and concealment. It is situational.
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    The Art of One-Handed Shooting

    A very good article and video. I completely agree in that it is somewhat a lost art in one handed shooting. I have viewed some firearms instructors who absolutely refuse to train or even discuss one handed operation. Mostly I believe because they have never been taught how to do it. Being older...