
Brother Can You Spare 10%

Seriously speaking, this shouldn't surprise anyone. If I didn't have friends living there, I wouldn't lose much sleep if the whole state of "California tumbles into the sea." Donald-thanks for the lyrics!
california has been "falling into the ocean" for generations, and yet, it's still attached to the continent.

we can only hope it will happen, so many of us can see that, before we up and die.
This quote is from the linked article:

“The new standard relies more on the historical tradition of gun regulation rather than public interests, including safety.“

It irritates me to see so much bias from the press, especially sort of hidden bias like you see in this quote. The public interest to me is respecting our Constitution.
I'm afraid this will spread across the country like wildfire. Already a northern Va Dem had plans to introduce a bill to tax ARs at a 1000%: https://www.businessinsider.com/dem...gress-gun-control-biden-administration-2022-6
It faces steep odds against passage in an election year, but they'll keep pushing stuff like this until it sticks. It's like being nibbled to death by ducks!
well again, those that can afford to do so, run out now...right now...and buy up all that you can,...!!!!!!