
Do you have a defense budget?


To me, ‘defense’ is a subset of survival. And survival is a function of life - at least to anyone over the age of 30 and with any thoughtfulness.
I like fresh food - i eat a lot of veggies, etc. But I keep a fair supply of canned stuff: greens, beans, salmon, etc. Nothing that can’t be cooked or heated over a low fire if I had to.
Same concept with basic medicine & med supplies and ammo.

I use all the above and rotate stock (consume oldest first) but I don’t use it unless I’ve bought replenishment already.
But I do not ‘budget for it’ per se.

To me, ‘defense’ is a subset of survival. And survival is a function of life - at least to anyone over the age of 30 and with any thoughtfulness.
I like fresh food - i eat a lot of veggies, etc. But I keep a fair supply of canned stuff: greens, beans, salmon, etc. Nothing that can’t be cooked or heated over a low fire if I had to.
Same concept with basic medicine & med supplies and ammo.

I use all the above and rotate stock (consume oldest first) but I don’t use it unless I’ve bought replenishment already.
But I do not ‘budget for it’ per se.
Mine isn’t a dollar amount. It’s whatever I can get every two weeks without the wife whining about it.
Tell her it’s all about HER, Bob. You want HER to be safe, and well defended ! You’re willing to take the time, make the effort, and….um….just need plenty of $ to make that happen.
That oughta get you a budget increase, for sure.

For those who have known me here for a while, they'll know that I'm big on a more expanded plan than "just having a gun."

Part of what drove this outlook is XDTalk member ibwaldo's wife's home-defense story, in which she successfully defended herself and her kids against a home invasion:

Certainly, don't believe his story just because it appears "the Interw3bz." But consider that in addition to the countless local media mentions that he cited, the story was also published in the January 2011 issue of American Rifleman.

If you don't have the time to read his entire story, this lone post is most sobering: https://www.xdtalk.com/threads/i-need-to-vent.161995/#post-2621864.

Having some money in the bank - and also at-hand - isn't a good thing to also budget for: not every enemy can be defeated with a bullet, and not all contingencies can be covered with a Victory Garden or emergency stockpile. Yes, at some point, that paper currency isn't going to be worth its weight (look at Venezuela as of the last few years), but until things actually fall that far apart, it *is* still going to be what gets you the items you and your family will need.
I have tried to cover all the scenarios. I have cameras outside, have a dog, keep outside well lit at night. All I can say is if someone comes into my house without me letting them in, they will be carried out. My wife is also capable of pulling the trigger.
Home defense is important to me because mobility is a problem for both my wife and I because my injuries and her oxygen need so I do have low cost cameras and and motion lights. Back in the 60s when I was a deputy I had a German Shepard that I and another deputy trained and a big part of the time he stayed home to protect wife and 3 kids. One day a person came to the house looking for me because of a arrest I made some months B4 and tried to force his way into the house. When city PD arrived he was hiding behind the screen door crying, officers arrived and my dog released and went into house and maintained his stand in front of my family. There are many new things on the market today but cost can be a no go there are low cost battery powered alarms and I still one on my back sliding glass door that I had used on my Harley and it works great. It has a light and a 135db alarm and the minute some one pulls on the door a cord pulls free to set off alarm. Believe or not many a small dog can be super because the are not as tempted to take something from a stranger and there are sites that have DIY and can cut the cost as electronics can be over come where independent power is a advantage to the home owner. than there's old guys who seem to not sleep as much as some folks and I'm one of them