
Excuse me Dr, may I see your credentials?


Imagine my surprise.

One of the top medical schools in the world, the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) David Geffen School of Medicine, has reportedly dropped in the rankings, and some faculty members are pointing to admissions decisions that “prioritize diversity over merit” as a likely cause.

In 2021, Associate Dean for Admissions Jennifer Lucero allegedly became angry when an official with the admissions committee questioned whether one black student, whose grades and test scores were far below the school’s average, was a good fit for the school, the Washington Free Beacon reported on Thursday.
California’s public schools are not allowed, per state law, to consider a person’s race during the admissions process. Therefore, Lucero’s reaction caused some of the admissions officers to feel uncomfortable, one of them calling it “troubling.”

The outlet continued:

In interviews with the Free Beacon and complaints to UCLA officials, including investigators in the university’s Discrimination Prevention Office, faculty members with firsthand knowledge of the admissions process say it has prioritized diversity over merit, resulting in progressively less qualified classes that are now struggling to succeed.

Within three years of Lucero’s hiring in 2020, UCLA dropped from 6th to 18th place in U.S. News & World Report‘s rankings for medical research. And in some of the cohorts she admitted, more than 50 percent of students failed standardized tests on emergency medicine, family medicine, internal medicine, and pediatrics.
“Race-based admissions have turned UCLA into a ‘failed medical school,’ said one former member of the admissions staff. ‘We want racial diversity so badly, we’re willing to cut corners to get it.'”
Lucero’s bio on the school’s website says she “participates actively in the recruitment of underrepresented students to the profession of medicine through her work in pathway and outreach programs.”

“As a Chicana physician, she takes a special interest in diversity issues in medicine and disparities in the delivery of obstetric healthcare to women of color,” the site reads.

The school’s website has a “Anti-racism Roadmap” and claims it is committed to fighting “structural racism.”
UCLA required first-year medical students to attend a lecture in March on “racial equity” where a guest speaker had attendees chant “Free Palestine,” according to a report.”
This is clickbait. Next time you go to see your white doctor ask him where he/she got their degree from and more importantly where they placed in their class. After all, 1 in 2 doctors finished in the bottom half of their class.

Or as the gag goes: What do you call the worst doctor in Med School? Doctor.

Also, the next time you get on a plane, ask your pilot if he happened to fly slot for The Thunderbirds and after a season of constantly getting called out for sloppy flying caused a crash at an air show the following season. True story. That dude is still a pilot.
First my Dr, she is from India. Come to think of it out of all of my medical professionals I visit only one is white.
The article and linked articles are to a larger point that the most qualified are being overlooked in favor of DEI. Sure that Dr might still have that little piece of paper on the wall but what good is that paper if the standards have been lowered?
That is what’s going on with all the DEI garbage. An attempt at equality of outcome.
This is clickbait. Next time you go to see your white doctor ask him where he/she got their degree from and more importantly where they placed in their class. After all, 1 in 2 doctors finished in the bottom half of their class.

Or as the gag goes: What do you call the worst doctor in Med School? Doctor.

Also, the next time you get on a plane, ask your pilot if he happened to fly slot for The Thunderbirds and after a season of constantly getting called out for sloppy flying caused a crash at an air show the following season. True story. That dude is still a pilot.
It may be, but when you lower the bar to get into med schools for certain people that ain't a good thing brother. And the results are not going to be stellar.
This is clickbait. Next time you go to see your white doctor ask him where he/she got their degree from and more importantly where they placed in their class. After all, 1 in 2 doctors finished in the bottom half of their class.

Or as the gag goes: What do you call the worst doctor in Med School? Doctor.

Also, the next time you get on a plane, ask your pilot if he happened to fly slot for The Thunderbirds and after a season of constantly getting called out for sloppy flying caused a crash at an air show the following season. True story. That dude is still a pilot.
Discrimination under any name is still discrimination. And it is wrong, period.
DEI hires are well represented. Kacklin' Kamala is one example. "Justice" Ketanji Brown Jackson is another. She isn't a "biologist", so she cannot define what a woman is. Either she can't, or won't. Either way, this is a prime example of what happens when you hire based on "diversity and equity" versus actual intelligence and qualifications. Jackson was nominated to check the woman of color box. No other reason. And biden admitted to that, quite proudly. Quite frankly, if I were hired just based on my race or gender, rather than my skills and qualifications, I would be highly insulted. Of course, that is how anybody with even a modicum of intelligence and ethics would feel. Both of these women were hired based solely on their race and gender. Fact.
DEI hires are well represented. Kacklin' Kamala is one example. "Justice" Ketanji Brown Jackson is another. She isn't a "biologist", so she cannot define what a woman is. Either she can't, or won't. Either way, this is a prime example of what happens when you hire based on "diversity and equity" versus actual intelligence and qualifications. Jackson was nominated to check the woman of color box. No other reason. And biden admitted to that, quite proudly. Quite frankly, if I were hired just based on my race or gender, rather than my skills and qualifications, I would be highly insulted. Of course, that is how anybody with even a modicum of intelligence and ethics would feel. Both of these women were hired based solely on their race and gender. Fact.
This is one of those posts where the "AGREE" selection would really be appropriate!!!
It may be, but when you lower the bar to get into med schools for certain people that ain't a good thing brother. And the results are not going to be stellar.
I personally think this has little to no impact on your average person whatsoever because the general level of incompetent individuals in almost every profession you encounter these days is mind blowing. Articles like this just feed into the mass addiction of outrage that fuels this and many other countries. The media on all sides of any issue stoke the fire so that we all keep checking back to make sure we’re properly apprised of the travesty of the month, and while we’re sitting in our La-Z-Boys fuming they are taking in more advertising dollars. They don’t give a crap about the subject or keeping us informed, they just want the suckers to keep clicking.
My so-called "Dr." is really a PA (4-yr degree + 2-3 extra yrs of med studies) since my former "real" Dr. (vet Army Dr. overseas before his civi job) moved on to his own practice since he was fed-up with the corporate medical industrial complex.

So, I was/am stuck with this kid, who asked me questions then looked things up on his computer. I knew more about my condition than he did, and he bought in to all the corporate Covid-thinking.

He was too busy when I had a situation so I had to go to an Urgent Care office to get a fix for it.

I only see him once a year since I have all my stuff under control by myself.
Regardless of profession, someone finished at the bottom of the class…

Sometimes the brightest dont do well under pressure (aka, 2nd Lt’s in combat) 😉 and sometimes the average rise up at win the day.. (all you Sergeants) 😉

I’ve known folks that were the brightest and best yet stupid as a box of rocks… and I’ve know folks who were the brightest and best and could send a rocket to the moon.
Just say AHHHH (Hell No!)

Las Vegas woman posing as a dentist had prior complaints

“(A witness) mentioned specific patients with dental problems resulting from the treatment by Loyomorales,” police wrote. “(They) ranged from crowns falling off, pulling impressions out of the trash from one patient and using them on another, implants placed in the maxillary sinus, and used implants being sterilized and placed in a patient’s mouth.”