
Henry big boy revolver

I've read three or four reviews of it now and have the following thoughts.

1. Way too big/heavy for concealed carry (Smith L/Ruger GP100/Colt Python-size cylinder).

2. Way too pricey for a fixed-sight revolver.

3. Changeable front sight is a good idea, but it's WAY too thin at .06". The standard is .125" and I wish it were fatter. (I have a P.38 with a .140" wide front sight and it is noticeably easier to see than 1/8" sights. I don't know why handgun front sights can't be up to a full .250" wide--would sure be easier to pick up/see, especially for old eyes).

4. DA and SA trigger pulls seem to be good, as does accuracy. But I'm not a fan of that naked ejector rod hanging out there, just begging to be bent.

I don't see one thing it will do any better than either my old Cold King Cobra .357, or my 3" M66, especially at this price. Hard pass!
When they first came out I remarked that they looked like a Saturday Night Special. I'm sure they are well made but I can't get past the 1930's style look.
These have been out for a while now and pretty much been greeted with "Meh" :rolleyes: . They just aren't catching peoples attention. I haven't even seen one in person yet. No dealers around here interested enough to stock them.
By all accounts, they seem to be well made and have decent accuracy. MSRP is a bit high. I think that's holding it back as well. You can get a much nicer gun for that price.

If it were a girl, you'd say she has a great personality. ;)