
Range Report: FTS Drills, 15 Yard Practice, 12/6/23



It was only a 100 round practice session at the range today, 50 of S&B 124 grain through the XD9 and 50 of PMC 115 grain through the XDM Elite Precision. No mals today. These are freshly cleaned.


Today's session consisted of a bunch of timed FTS drills with my XD9 (EDC). I'm qualified to draw at this range and I felt like taking advantage of it today. I sent my silhouette out to 7 yards for "two to the chest and one to the head". I wasn't thinking ahead and just loaded up five magazines with 10 cartridges each so I had one bullet left over after every three drills. Oops. I would send it down range anyway. That's why you shouldn't count the hits too closely on my drill work. ;)

My hits were kind of spread out and I missed a few head shots.


I patched up this target as best I could and sent it out to ten yards for a few FTS drills.


It came back looking like this. Not the best accuracy. We'll look at the times in a bit.


Seems I was a little more accurate with the head shots at 10 yards but the center hits were still a little more spread out than they should be. Let's look at the times. I kept a log.


You can see on the 6th drill I noted having trouble defeating my garment. That happens, but you gotta stay in the fight. At 10 yards I was taking longer to get my sights aligned.

Then I worked out at 15 yards with my XDM Elite. "Precision" is in the name, right? We'll see. :ROFLMAO:


I shot a total of five targets, 10-round strings each. At this point I'm happy to keep all ten hits inside an 8" circle. Let's run through the targets and see how I did. Here's #1.


Two hits low-left outside of the 8" circle. I know this pistol shoots better than that. But can I? Here's target #2.


It looks like I overcompensated my sight picture a little. Now there are two hits high above the 8" circle. Here's target #3.


If you give me the line breaks, I think they're all inside the 8" circle on this one. (That way low-right hit is an un-patched hole from earlier, I promise.) OK, here comes target #4.


This one is just OK. There are still two hits outside the 8" circle but at least they're closer. One is just left and the other just high and right. I'm going to change targets for the last string. Here's target #5.


Well, drat. If you give me the line break (again) there is only one hit outside the 8" circle. It's close enough for a glam shot. ;) I'll continue to practice at 15 yards with this pistol. I think I can get myself dialed in and get those groups tighter. I love practicing anyway. Thanks for sharing my fun.

Thank you for your indulgence,

Looking good, Cliff! I have been “following” your practice sessions here for a while, and I can see a significant improvement over time. What a blessing to be able to afford ammo and to visit a range on a regular basis. Shooting is such fun! We don’t need to let that information get out though or the price of guns and ammo would shoot through the roof!
Hi guys!

Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. I appreciate it.

Good shootin Sir. Don't get discouraged by any flyers or missed head shots. Practice makes perfect. Keep going with the good work SIR...

Thank you! I don't get discouraged much. I know I'll have slumps, good days and bad days. Plus, I love to practice. Thanks for the encouragement.

Good chootin and still mostly dead bad guys i see.
Glad ya got to shoot.

Thank you! Yeah, I figure my "combat accuracy" would be adequate if I had to defend myself. Still, I'd like to improve the accuracy without losing the speed. Next time I'll start at 5 yards, slow down a little, then build up speed and push out the distance. I need to walk before I run. ;)

Looking good, Cliff! I have been “following” your practice sessions here for a while, and I can see a significant improvement over time. What a blessing to be able to afford ammo and to visit a range on a regular basis. Shooting is such fun! We don’t need to let that information get out though or the price of guns and ammo would shoot through the roof!

You are too kind. Thanks! I am blessed to be able to work a part time job in order to help finance my range shenanigans. It seems I'll take two steps forward and one step back. I suppose that's still progress. And this "fun" stuff will stay a secret with me, don't you worry. Mum's the word. ;)

Thank you for your indulgence,
