Howdy boys and girls!
I got a late start today and had a lot to work on. I went to the closer range and procured my favorite lane, #7. My plan was to zero the flip-up sights on my new FPC, then practice a little more with my XD9 Mod.3 optic pistol and XD45 Mod.2 Tactical.
I've got really cheap flip-ups on the FPC. I grabbed a sight set off the rack at the sporting goods store when I picked up the rifle. I just wanted something to help me shoot it until I decided on a permanent sight solution. I also had my VP9 with me but I did not shoot it today. I spent a lot of time trying to get the FPC's sights sorted.
I brought a variety of 9mm ammo, Blazer 115 and 124 grain, Winchester NATO, along with some new and reman 230 grain .45ACP from LAX Ammunition.
I started at 10 yards using the FPC with the sights in their default position, 5 shots at a time. At first it looks high and right.
So I'll mark those hits, turn the sights a click or two, and try again.
Hmm, not a lot of difference. Let's go a few more clicks, adjusting both windage and height.
Well, drat. It looks like I'm going the wrong direction. I'll dial the height back the other way.
Well, that's just about where we started. We'll keep going that direction and give it 5 more shots.
That's starting to shape up. Tell you what, one more click, a fresh target, I'll adjust my hold a little, and give it 5 more shots.
Hey! That was pretty successful. But, wow, both sights are pretty much cranked to the extreme. Oh well. Let's try a target out at 25 yards.
Hmm, the first 5 hits were high off the paper. I adjusted my hold to where the arrow is pointing and got hits much closer to center. I'll put up a fresh target and try the 6 o'clock hold about 4" below the bullseye.
I guess that's in the ballpark. I've been using my backpack/range bag for a rest. I did not try free standing today. I'm going to patch up this target and try 10 hits on center and 10 head shots.
That could've been better, I guess, if I'd been more consistent with my hold and sight picture. Actually, I think it would be better with a good set of properly adjusted sights. Then again, maybe this rifle would be dead-on at 100 yards. I'll try to get to an outdoor range soon. My time is growing short so I'm going to blast through some targets with my XD45 and the XD9. These were all pretty much rapid fire, less than 1 sec between rounds, hence the "combat" accuracy.
Here is 10 shots on the lower target and 10 shots on the upper, XD45 Mod.2 Tactical.
I continued, putting a total of 20 hits on the bottom target and 30 hits on the top. (Trying to, anyway.)
Then I did the same thing with the XD9 Mod.3 optic pistol, 25 rounds at each target, top and bottom.
I used most of the NATO rounds in the FPC but had saved 10 rounds for the XD9. I took a little more time and had a little better results.
Only two flyers below the black. Drat. It's time for me to get going. Mrs. BassCliff is out of town and I'm an hour and a half late feeding my Wonder Pooch, "Chewy". I packed it in.
I gotta stop bringing so much stuff to the range, or get an all-in-one roller case for it. I think I'll get an earlier start tomorrow and just work on the FPC. I went ahead and bought a set of "real" MagPul MBUS sights to see if they would work any better. If not, I'll try this TruGlo "Ignite" red dot sight. I should probably get a better red dot for my AR anyway. It'll be fun tweaking these rifles, trying to get them to work for me. Between the rifles and the new optic pistol, I got a lot of trial and error going on.
I'll let you know how much fun I have tomorrow. 'Til then.
Thank you for your indulgence,
I got a late start today and had a lot to work on. I went to the closer range and procured my favorite lane, #7. My plan was to zero the flip-up sights on my new FPC, then practice a little more with my XD9 Mod.3 optic pistol and XD45 Mod.2 Tactical.
I've got really cheap flip-ups on the FPC. I grabbed a sight set off the rack at the sporting goods store when I picked up the rifle. I just wanted something to help me shoot it until I decided on a permanent sight solution. I also had my VP9 with me but I did not shoot it today. I spent a lot of time trying to get the FPC's sights sorted.
I brought a variety of 9mm ammo, Blazer 115 and 124 grain, Winchester NATO, along with some new and reman 230 grain .45ACP from LAX Ammunition.
I started at 10 yards using the FPC with the sights in their default position, 5 shots at a time. At first it looks high and right.
So I'll mark those hits, turn the sights a click or two, and try again.
Hmm, not a lot of difference. Let's go a few more clicks, adjusting both windage and height.
Well, drat. It looks like I'm going the wrong direction. I'll dial the height back the other way.
Well, that's just about where we started. We'll keep going that direction and give it 5 more shots.
That's starting to shape up. Tell you what, one more click, a fresh target, I'll adjust my hold a little, and give it 5 more shots.
Hey! That was pretty successful. But, wow, both sights are pretty much cranked to the extreme. Oh well. Let's try a target out at 25 yards.
Hmm, the first 5 hits were high off the paper. I adjusted my hold to where the arrow is pointing and got hits much closer to center. I'll put up a fresh target and try the 6 o'clock hold about 4" below the bullseye.
I guess that's in the ballpark. I've been using my backpack/range bag for a rest. I did not try free standing today. I'm going to patch up this target and try 10 hits on center and 10 head shots.
That could've been better, I guess, if I'd been more consistent with my hold and sight picture. Actually, I think it would be better with a good set of properly adjusted sights. Then again, maybe this rifle would be dead-on at 100 yards. I'll try to get to an outdoor range soon. My time is growing short so I'm going to blast through some targets with my XD45 and the XD9. These were all pretty much rapid fire, less than 1 sec between rounds, hence the "combat" accuracy.
I continued, putting a total of 20 hits on the bottom target and 30 hits on the top. (Trying to, anyway.)
Then I did the same thing with the XD9 Mod.3 optic pistol, 25 rounds at each target, top and bottom.
I used most of the NATO rounds in the FPC but had saved 10 rounds for the XD9. I took a little more time and had a little better results.
Only two flyers below the black. Drat. It's time for me to get going. Mrs. BassCliff is out of town and I'm an hour and a half late feeding my Wonder Pooch, "Chewy". I packed it in.
I gotta stop bringing so much stuff to the range, or get an all-in-one roller case for it. I think I'll get an earlier start tomorrow and just work on the FPC. I went ahead and bought a set of "real" MagPul MBUS sights to see if they would work any better. If not, I'll try this TruGlo "Ignite" red dot sight. I should probably get a better red dot for my AR anyway. It'll be fun tweaking these rifles, trying to get them to work for me. Between the rifles and the new optic pistol, I got a lot of trial and error going on.
Thank you for your indulgence,