
Range Report: Practice and Class, 6/21,26,28/23



I've been busy, away from my computer but I've still been trying to keep up my skills (if you can call it that). I've had a few practice sessions and one class lately. I'll share highlights, you know, the exciting kind like your grandparents would do after their vacation using their slide projector.

I haven't shot any .22 recently, just my larger pistols, the XD9 and Garrison 1911 .45ACP.


On 6/21/23 I was practicing pure marksmanship, sort of, at 10 yards. This was the first target of the session.


After slowing down and getting more serious with each target, my last B-8 looked like this.


I usually shoot a string of 10 shots at a time. It helps me keep track of so-called "progress". I decided to "aim small, miss small" and sent a two inch circle ten yards down range. It came back looking like this. Hunh.


Then on top of that I stuck an 8" reactive circle. These are fun because you get instant feedback.


I also practiced a little with my .45 this session. This was the best looking target, a 4" reactive on the head of my silhouette at ten yards.


My next range visit on 6/26/23 was a combination practice and training session. I got there a little early so I could warm up. This time I started with a cold 10-10-10 drill and had a malfunction in the very first magazine. Thank you WWB. I'll be glad when I've shot up all my WWB. It's been running about 4% failure rate, mostly FTE with a few primer issues. I finished the drill with a really lousy time.


The rest of my practice targets were pretty average, like this one.


Then the training session was a movement clinic, lots of walking, pivoting 90° or 180°, and putting hits on target on command. We drilled at self defense distances, five to ten yards. I used Blazer Brass 124 grain. No malfunctions at all.


DSF is Defensive Shooting Fundamentals, part of the USCCA course of instruction. The class wasn't full this time so we had a little more room and could run more drills.


My targets were pretty good, shooting mostly at the fuzzy center mass box.


I was doing so well that Megan, the owner and one of the instructors, even gave this old noob a star on his target. Woot!


I had to take my time, but I made that head shot from 10 yards on command. I hit most of the numbers but got wide a few times when I was shooting too fast.

A couple days later, 6/28/23, I went back for more pure marksmanship. My first target wasn't great. I let two out in the 8 ring.


Target #2 was looking really decent.


I shot a few more targets with my XD9 with average results. Then I shot a few using the Garrison. Here are a few of the better ones.


OK, 7 hits inside the 4" circle with this one, a little better.


Last target of the day. With the magazines I have, the math works out so that the last one gets only nine rounds. I got all but one of them inside the 4" circle.


OK, now we're all caught up. I've been saving my gig money and decided to buy a 9mm pistol for target use. I'm leaning toward the XDM Elite Precision with the 5.25" barrel. It seems like a really decent pistol for the money. I've seen some really good prices lately. I'll let you know. There's another advanced cognitive clinic at the end of the month. Those are always a lot of fun. In the meantime, I'll continue working on my accuracy. Thanks for putting up with me.

Thank you for your indulgence,

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