
The Ammo Shortage - Suarez Article


Founding Member
from an email.


Gun media is awash with alternatives to 9mm and 5.56 ammo since most of it is simply not available right now. Others are focusing on laser devices and all sorts of apps and other things that are intended to take the place of live fire. It seems that rather than skill maintenance and development, the majority of the gun world just wants to be entertained.

In all and complete honesty, based on an adult life spent developing combat skills with firearms and teaching for 25 years, I will submit that one could get far more benefit with a judicious and aggressive dry fire routine. I too have had little training time in the last year, but I've changed instead to additional dry practice work. Yes...its boring, yes it lacks the bells and whistles of lasers and lights and all of those things our modern ADHD minds seem to require to maintain attention, but 30 minutes of dry work daily will do far more than three hours per week of live fire.

Set aside 30 min

Present to point with trigger break from ready 100 times
Present to point with trigger break from holster 200-500 times
Proactive reload 25 times
Reactive Clearing Process 25 times
Supplement with Diagonal Lines, Watch Your Back, and Changing Levels
.....as many times as you have time for

That is what I do guys. See the above video as an example. YMMV depending on your attention span and ability to focus in a quiet room in the wee hours

Proactive Reload
I'm glad to hear that dry-fire drills are effective. I've been doing more recently than anytime since I started shooting. The main thing that convinced me to do it was than 100 dry-fires with one of my 9mm pistols now saves me about $75 in ammo. That number goes up to $90 if I dry-fire one of my 45's. I'm not really all that tactical, I'm mainly just cheap.
I got the MantisX last summer because I saw the prices going up and I'm really cheap too! Sure, it's got drills to keep my ADD satiated but the effect of the dry fire has helped my shooting ability TREMENDOUSLY! Dry fire is LIFE these days! Nice drills Talyn, thanks for sharing!