
Israel under attack

Lots of independent verification in that report, regardless of what you want to think. It was working until trump. He jacked it all up.
Dude, that's ridiculous. Paying off a terrorist country in the hopes they would quit trying to develop nuclear weapons is one of the most retarded things any president in our lifetime has done. They never gave meaningful access to any UN inspectors or anyone else and they never stopped their nuclear program. And more importantly, they never stopped stating their goal was to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.
Israeli officials said there would be a significant response. Anyone who doubts Israel will follow through with that needs to open up a history book.
The IRGC Quds Force is responsible for wounding or killing thousands of our troops. We should be cheering Israel on. Sooner or later, Iran must be dealt with. I would much rather that happen before they have a nuclear arsenal. Because their leaders are just fanatical enough to use it.
Israeli officials said there would be a significant response. Anyone who doubts Israel will follow through with that needs to open up a history book.
i for one as well, know all too well the Israeli history on the "eye for an eye" philosophy.

it's a good one too frankly..

it amount to...."you F with us, we gonna F you up many more times over".....

it's the way it should be, to teach the aggressors around the world, to "stay home, be quiet, and don't mess with us"...

we have needed someone in that white residence in DC, to act like that, for a long time now.
Wanting to cite to a third party...

It was entirely some idiot in our country that gave Iran a clear path to a nuclear weapon. To be clear, it wasn't Biden.
You're right. It wasn't Biden in the long term who provided a clear path. It was Putin who shipped 87 tons of uranium fuel to Iran to kickstart their nuclear program at Bushehr. A terrorist country rich in oil and natural gas needs a power reactor because ???? The reactor turned out to be a technological problem child and all of that fuel went to ???
The US should have put Iran and the Assahola’s out of business, permanently, in 1979. Instead, the man in charge wrung his hands and we all saw “America held hostage day xxx” for over a year. That was bs on our part and we’ve been paying in blood and treasure ever since. You simply cannot deal with people who only recognize force by any other means. You can’t “buy” friendship, and you and I can never get along, no matter how I may try,if your goal is to destroy me. IMHO we should avoid getting involved in conflict whenever possible, but it should also be made Very clear than the biggest mistake ANY nation could make would be to attack the US, because the price for doing so would be their destruction.
My message to Iran would be this:


We've reached the point where either put up or shut up!
The US should have put Iran and the Assahola’s out of business, permanently, in 1979. Instead, the man in charge wrung his hands and we all saw “America held hostage day xxx” for over a year. That was bs on our part and we’ve been paying in blood and treasure ever since. You simply cannot deal with people who only recognize force by any other means. You can’t “buy” friendship, and you and I can never get along, no matter how I may try,if your goal is to destroy me. IMHO we should avoid getting involved in conflict whenever possible, but it should also be made Very clear than the biggest mistake ANY nation could make would be to attack the US, because the price for doing so would be their destruction.
Our failure to act decisively on the Iranian hostage incident in 1979 is a source of national shame. It was another example of weak, failed leadership.
Israel has invested in the tech to defend itself, it's a matter of magazine depth on both sides.

Once Israel makes the Iron Beam operational that will greatly enhance their defenses against the primitive drones.

Drone launchers are hard to detect, target & strike, and Iran has invested in mobile & subterranean missile launchers so that complicates a counter strike.
So, apparently all the missiles and drones were defeated, although there are reports that some missiles failed on their flight path.

So, is it worth it to expend a lot of assets for an overt counter strike, or does it make more sense to make something more subtle? The tech exists to mine Iran's harbors is one option.

If only the POTUS 46 admin would reinstate POTUS 45 sanctions and stop sending/releasing money to Iran in the hope to make them play nice. 99.999% of folks know fanatical Islam doesn't play nice. Unfortunately, that 0.001% hasn't realized that yet.

My .02
