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  • Got some new grips for my model 640 smith and Wesson the old grips look cool they are real ivory but terrible to grip got some good pachmayr grips can’t wait till Wednesday and try them
    It was a lot better it’s still 3 to 7 feet at best with the model 640 caliber 38p that double action trigger is heavy they are fun to shoot but recoil is mean . I will get use to it I bring her every range trip
    Had a set of Pacmyrs on my S&W Model 49 for 40 years. I think you will find they work much better than factory grips. Just had an action tune done on it by my gunsmith. Can not wait for my next range trip.
    New member I own 8 firearms one shot gun in a 12 gauge one lever action Henry in 22 magnum Springfield 1911 in a45 Smith Wesson in a 38 model 640 and mp shied 40 and ruger 22lr and beretta 92fs and a heritage 22/22 magnum single action cowboy gun that’s all for now
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