
Another one leaves for greener pastures.


I feel bad for the employees and their families, but they can blame their Governor elect and the Democrats .


This was announced last year, and Rem's global HQ has been located in Georgia for several years already. They're relocating to a state that actually wants them. Rem quality has been questionable for years anyway. Maybe the move will help them to get their act together again with a more modern manufacturing facility. Maybe.
Nobody cares about history anymore, they don't teach it in school.
So many so called schools teach woke, the USA flag is the enemy, masturbation, same sex flings, furries, to be trans is so cool, live life to play games, why work when you do not have to, only whites are racist, all blacks are victims and must destroy etc❗
The bright side is all can type one handed under the school desk. Great Resume skills BTW‼️

I am glad to see, at least red states ending this hatefulness and get back to teaching reading, writing, math, history, geography and how about courses like business, finances, etc, things one can fully use in today's high tech world❓

WE the people owe to all, to stand and to take back our country for of us and future generations to prosper.