
ATF eForms Shut Down Due To Budgeting Concerns

I just got this email from the ATF about the status of the eforms wwebsite.

Did anyone else get this? I'm not sure what this means about a form 2 as I currently do not have anything to process.

I just got this email from the ATF about the status of the eforms wwebsite.

Did anyone else get this? I'm not sure what this means about a form 2 as I currently do not have anything to process.

View attachment 53244
I'm thinking @Belt Fed must of got one too. From what I understand, the ATF has now classified Yeet Cannons as machine guns 😧 and they are requiring those that own several to file this form, pay for multi Tax stamps and get put on the national registry and no fly list. Boy, I'm sure glad I never bought one of those dangerous machine guns like you guys have. :rolleyes::LOL:😂🤣🤣
I got one too. I think they went out to anyone who has filed with them in the past. There was a big huff with the tin foil hat brigade going on yesterday with people claiming that the ATF was going to force everyone to file the old way because approvals had been going through too quickly with EFile. Yeah, that doesn’t make sense to me either.