
Bernie is Either Ignorant, Uninformed, or Lying About Gun Laws in the U.S.


Master Class
Founding Member
All of the above. Never trust a commie to be honest about guns.

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When you have Joe Biden on national TV claiming that 150 million people have died as a direct result of a law passed in 2007 to protect firearm manufacturers from frivolous lawsuits by the victims of gun violence and not a single person on stage or in the MSM calls him on it, you know we’re on our own here.
"...not a single person on stage or in the MSM calls him on it..."

That's probably because they're all gullible enough to believe it. Remember, those people do not think the same way as normal folks. They take it as gospel, and will do their best to continue regurgitating it to anyone who will listen. The truth doesn't matter.
I say he is lying. IMO he can't be ignorant or uninformed of gun laws and lie about them at the same time.

The definition of a lie is to "to knowingly speak falsely or utter untruth , as with intent to deceive. to express what is false; convey a false impression." The key word here is, 'knowingly'. If he is ignorant or uninformed, then he is a ****-poor candidate and has no business running, but he isn't lying about what he doesn't know.

As much as I dislike Sanders, I think he takes his candidacy seriously, as opposed to the other clowns, and I think he has a pretty good grasp of present gun laws and knowingly chooses to misrepresent those laws.

This is all subjective on my part and he could very well be guilty of all three.
When you have Joe Biden on national TV claiming that 150 million people have died as a direct result of a law passed in 2007 to protect firearm manufacturers from frivolous lawsuits by the victims of gun violence and not a single person on stage or in the MSM calls him on it, you know we’re on our own here.

Biden, aside from having something quite seriously wrong going on in the brainpan, is a commie just as much as Bernie or Bloomturd or Fauxcahontas. Like I said earlier/above, NEVER trust a commie on the subject of guns. Actually let me amend that a bit:


Bernie Better Class of Commie.jpg
When you have Joe Biden on national TV claiming that 150 million people have died as a direct result of a law passed in 2007 to protect firearm manufacturers from frivolous lawsuits by the victims of gun violence and not a single person on stage or in the MSM calls him on it, you know we’re on our own here.
Colion Noir did, check out his youtube stuff, he is spot on......
He is a puppet getting fed B.S pushing out information that he is, as stated, ignorant about to draw in votes. He has done no research for himself to validate anything that comes out of his mouth about anything gun related. On the other hand when you have a Pro-2A on stage they have actual facts that they have done research, themselves on to try and educate and enlighten those that haven’t a clue about.
First off, I agree with the posters under this thread that he's just regurgitating the current democratic spiel of Gun Control proposals.
However the excerpt from the article below, is somewhat misleading (at least to me). I can't speak for all States, but in Pennsylvania, it is legal for a non licensed person (dealer?) to sell a rifle (obviously includes AR15 rifles) or shotgun to another individual with out doing any BGC. These transactions can take place at a Gun Show (I recently bought a M95 Mannlicher Bolt action rifle from a non criminal there, no BGC required), Flea Market, house, street, where ever. Also the example of buying a bunch of firearm and turning around and selling them, would also be legal IF you didn't know the buyers were criminals that could not poses a firearm, and they were all rifles or shotguns being sold. Do I propose people do this? No, I don't.
I'm also not sure about the articles, "engaged in the business" term. Since I'm not all that certain on the intricacies of the State's law in this matter, would it be legal or illegal if this was being done as a routine business? Maybe it wouldn't be. If what I described here in Pa., could be considered a "Gun Show Loophole", I wouldn't want it closed, as in this State, these transactions can occur most anywhere, as mentioned previously. If I've misunderstood or misread this portion of the article, it would be more than welcomed on having someone shed some light on it. The one thing I think we'd all agree on, is that both Pro and Anti Gun stances should present only facts, so as not to be accused of misleading the public with faulty data. Something these Nominees are doing on a regular basis.

“Unlicensed dealers” selling is a euphemism for criminals. If someone is “engaged in the business” of selling firearms, they must be licensed and regulated by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. That means maintaining detailed records, abiding by all applicable federal and state laws and regulations and being prepared for ATF inspection. If someone is selling firearms for a living without doing this, they are criminals, plain and simple."