
Biden Expected To Release Rule On Ghost Guns In Days

So, today, we get a double whammy. We get another stellar nominee to run the Gestapo 🤭🤭cough cough, I mean AFT&E. We also get his toothless bravado, "you'll face federal charges " Nothing he does changes anything. Basically, from my understanding, he just regurgitated existing laws and tried to spin it as his own. The only thing that kinda pushes boundaries, as far as i know, is complete "kits." Trying to redefine an 80% receiver with the complimentary parts as a complete firearm requiring documentation and serialization. I think, if you complete an 80%er and try to dispose of it, you have to give it a serial number and transfer via form 4473. This is already law, nothing new here. So again, nothing substantially new here.
Why won't someone mention that the emperor has no clothes? This poor deluded man believes he's doing a good job. CiC poopy-pants. What a legacy.
I'm a bit surprised no one on this forum is chatting about the historic executive action today...Seems a lot of folks on here assemble their own AR platforms, and they will be affected...not to mention the purchase of firearm parts in general...

Maybe it's on another thread....I'll look around...
I'm a bit surprised no one on this forum is chatting about the historic executive action today...Seems a lot of folks on here assemble their own AR platforms, and they will be affected...not to mention the purchase of firearm parts in general...

Maybe it's on another thread....I'll look around...
It has nothing to do with assembling firearms as long as there's a serial number on the receiver that the parts are being assembled on to.

It also has nothing to do with buying general firearms parts.
I'm a bit surprised no one on this forum is chatting about the historic executive action today...Seems a lot of folks on here assemble their own AR platforms, and they will be affected...not to mention the purchase of firearm parts in general...

Maybe it's on another thread....I'll look around...
Yea I figured there would be more about this after today’s babbling also
It has nothing to do with assembling firearms as long as there's a serial number on the receiver that the parts are being assembled on to.

It also has nothing to do with buying general firearms parts.
So this is not the rule change the ATF was talking about where they were going to change the definition of firearm and allow for more than one serialized receiver on a firearm ? Either way it's BS. Didn't he also say he was making it where FFL had to keep 4473s indefinitely ?
It has nothing to do with assembling firearms as long as there's a serial number on the receiver that the parts are being assembled on to.

It also has nothing to do with buying general firearms parts.
"The administration also released an executive action to regulate “split receiver” firearms with serial numbers and background checks and to require gun sellers to maintain sales records more than 20 years old."

Taken from "The Guardian" today....seems new to me, I was unaware both uppers and lowers have been serialized...I thought it was only lower receivers with an installed trigger.

I am not in the AR build hobby...just read about it a little.
"The administration also released an executive action to regulate “split receiver” firearms with serial numbers and background checks and to require gun sellers to maintain sales records more than 20 years old."

Taken from "The Guardian" today....seems new to me, I was unaware both uppers and lowers have been serialized...I thought it was only lower receivers with an installed trigger.

I am not in the AR build hobby...just read about it a little.
Uppers are not serialized. Nor do they require a BGC to purchase.

I'm reasonably certain these fiats cannot be declared without congressional action. Neither the ATF, and certainly not the president, can just decide to unilaterally change gun laws.
All his hopes and dreams have to be posted to the national register, that's step 1. Step 2 in his warped view is 120 days to become law. Here's the trick. After it's posted to the nat'l reg, GOA, NRA & FPC will have filed lawsuits challenging constitutionality where all his dreams will die. This should all be kept stirred up weekly leading up to mid-terms so we can vote in like minded reps. I ain't getting excited no more, we'll just see where the chips fall and place new bets.