
Bison Transport

After sitting on anchor for three days aboard my buddies landing craft. Waiting on some bison to be loaded aboard to be transferred to another part of the island. It's finally happening this afternoon! IMG_20220420_135155528_HDR.jpgIMG_20220420_140301540_HDR.jpg
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Here's the rest of the story:
Keep one important fact in mind. Coastal Brown Bear and interior Grizzlies are basically the same species of Ursa. However, Coastal Bruins get much larger then their inland cousins due to a extremely abundant food source provided from the sea! Spawning Salmon that return from sea to breed and die in the coastal rivers. Clams they dig and other marine life at low tide and even the occasional and actually fairly common beached whale. Coastal Bears can get almost twice as big and grow almost twice as fast as an inland bear. A 1200 to 1500 lb Kodiak Bear can and have killed Bison on the Island before and more than once! They go for smaller Bison like cow's and calf's before they try to take on an 1800lb Mature bull Bison of course. However, they pursue and kill Cattle on the Island much more often than Bison! Bison are tuff tuff tuff no doubt!
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