
Bug-Out Bag Essentials for Each Season

Got most of the items listed, but no sleeping bag yet. I'd want something small, lightweight and easy to carry with all the stuff I already have to carry. Winter gloves is a good idea (didn't have them packed). MREs is another (as food and water would have been in another separate bag). Always good to read articles like these and get ideas (and hopefully not have to use it if I could use the Bug In Bag & shelter in place if possible).
Good post Talyn.
Good article. For my wife and myself bugging out includes a vehicle. At our age and my wifes arthritis in her back and shoulders, plus two knee replacements, there will be no extended walking trip. It's either stick it out at home , go to the cabin or live in the truck popup camper I use for hunting.

Therefore our bugout bags include the vehicle kits and our Get Home Bags.

In the vehicle kits we keep 4 heavy wool blankets each vehicle, prefer wool for its properties, including flame retardant compared to synthetic bags, important when you have fires.

Gloves, ok advice for temperament climates. But for real cold mittens are better. I use a system of fingerless wool gloves with heavy wool mittens over them attached to my body with lanyards so they can be pulled off when dexterity is needed and not get lost or snowy.

For fires, redundant methods is best. In my bags there are disposable lighters, British lifeboat matches, and ferro rods in various pockets and kits bags. I also keep a ferro rod attached to my hunting knife sheath.

Dont forget water purification tabs.
Let say its the SHTF, holy hell has broken loose. I live in a metro area with 8 million people. I am going to fight my way straight to the Loomis Security yard and get an armored truck. I’ll need tons of ammo and body armor for the family just to get out of dodge. Think hurricane exodus except that everyone is fighting for their life and civilization is collapsing. Whole set of crazy to get your head around
I always keep thin leather shooting gloves in my bags. They protect the hands from blisters and other damage during work. They also help give one anonymity, when it's just better that you do not leave evidence of your passing. Definitely not suggesting illegal activities. But, during survival times, it just might be better not to trust to whatever might pass for the rule of law in an area you are passing through. Individual rights are not always followed... remember firearm confiscation during Katrina.