
Calif - not shocked

This tells you all you need to know about the author(s) of this article.

"For decades, America’s gun violence researchers fought an uphill battle against the National Rifle Association to obtain the data and funding they need to study the effects of US gun laws."

That is an outright lie. No one ever suppressed data. How could they, the data is compiled by the FBI. And the NRA never fought against funding it, they fought against YOU AND I funding it. Anti-gun researchers using taxpayer money to mine data and record it in a way that supports their agenda is not something taxpayers should be funding.

As for what's going on with the outgoing California AG, it's hard to tell. We know he's anti-gun so I seriously doubt his motives are good for California gun owners, but it's gonna be tough to get me to sympathize with clearly biased researchers trying to chisel data to match their foregone conclusions that guns in the hands of citizens is bad.
The California AG is obviously withholding the data for a reason. It is very bold to claim that the information is being withheld due to privacy concerns, when law professors are unaware of any statute forbidding the release of the data. This should be a wake-up call to CA academics. Politicians who want to infringe on the rights of gun owners are perfectly willing to infringe on everyone else’s rights as well.
That is an outright lie. No one ever suppressed data. How could they, the data is compiled by the FBI. And the NRA never fought against funding it, they fought against YOU AND I funding it. Anti-gun researchers using taxpayer money to mine data and record it in a way that supports their agenda is not something taxpayers should be funding.
Politicians who want to infringe on the rights of gun owners are perfectly willing to infringe on everyone else’s rights as well.