
California 2020 crime gun data report


Founding Member
Interesting read on quick stats from CA on 2020 sampling of gun crime.
Pay attention to their “assault weapon” definition and how often it was used in gun crimes … 🧐
The ten regional crime laboratories operated by the Department’s Bureau of Forensic Services (BFS) completed examinations of 429 firearms during the 2020 calendar year, 82 of which qualified for inclusion in this report. A firearm is considered to be qualified for this report if forensic testing has positively tied it to at least one of the violent crimes defined by Penal Code section 667.5. Small inconsistencies in data totals are attributable to the fact that the categories in this report, other than firearm types and calibers, are not mutually exclusive; as a result, individual firearms may fit and be counted within multiple categories. For example, if a laboratory examined a stolen shotgun with a shortened barrel that was used in a homicide, that weapon would be counted in each of those categories.

Like I have said before many times, if you use a gun to commit a crime and are proven guilty beyond any shadow of a doubt, either DNA or caught at the crime scene, you are executed within 48 hours. Not 48 days, not 48 months, not 48 years. 48 hours!

Try that for a month and see crime with a gun go way down.