
Chipotle To Make ‘Significant’ Price Increases In California In Response To Minimum Wage Hike


it does not matter whether or not anyone here likes the place, or not, what matters is, that food places are jacking up prices substantially to meet that minimum wage that Goober Newsome made happen.

one by one, neighborhood fast food places will shutter the doors, and not only put employees out of work, but add to the blight of the neighborhoods, with boarded up buildings.

yes, the old sayings like, "you reap what you sow" , or "you voted them in, you get what you voted for", will not in any way fix this issue.

should voters should have some sort of say in how this can be turned around..??

maybe some sort of recall on that particular wage law.???
it does not matter whether or not anyone here likes the place, or not, what matters is, that food places are jacking up prices substantially to meet that minimum wage that Goober Newsome made happen.

one by one, neighborhood fast food places will shutter the doors, and not only put employees out of work, but add to the blight of the neighborhoods, with boarded up buildings.
Who would have thunk it? I guess Newsome has to touch a stove burner for himself to see if it really hot!
What's sad is the people that work there think they deserve those wages! Those jobs were never to be someone's career! They were jobs to make extra money after you worked your real job or retirees making some extra change. I say pay them all federal minimum wage and if they don't like it don't work! Also, not paid unemployment either.
to those of you that have said it was not intended to be a career move, to me, this is correct.

minimum wage jobs from back in my days, when i got paid $1.60 an hour, was for high schoolers needing a job for summer vacation time, or after school.

it was again, back then, for mom's with kids in school so that mom could earn a few dollars, then be home for when the kids got out of school.

it was for the dad, that yes, worked a full time job, but needed extra money for things his regular paycheck didn't extend far enough to pay for.....and NO...many times dad's job did not give pay raises when he asked for it, he had to WAIT till a full tear ent by to get a pay raise......i know, i had jobs like that.!!

it was for college kids, needing book or supplies money, as well as maybe rent for the dorm room, and food as well, and we all know the number 1 food of college kids is........PIZZA.....!!...cheap and filling, and just as good the next day from the fridge....

to me, minimum wage jobs were not to be depended on for paying the mortgage, or even the rent, but to "supplement" your full time day (or night) jobs.

yes, every time i got some sort of meal at ANY fast food place, it NEVER looked as good as in the pictures, on the menu board.....false advertising at its best.

Newsome thinks he did a great job in making the minimum wage law at $20 per hour.....

we had all better hope he does not ever run for president.
Just for some perspective: When I was 16 my job cleaning up a football stadium after games paid $.95 an hour. Adjusted for inflation, today that would amount to a wage of $7.89 an hour. That is pretty much on par with the federal minimum wage of $7.25. However, many states are higher; I assume for cost of living.

See here: https://www.minimum-wage.org/wage-by-state

Obviously, politics plays a part and I agree with others that it's another feel good. pandering measure which subverts basic economics. BTW, CA sits at $16.00/hr which is even higher than Hawaii. But wait for it, Washington state is $16.28! It must be that Pacific NW mystique.... or something.
This isn't a surprise. Its been in the news several times since the law was passed. The liberals praise it as a victory for low wage workers. The fast food industry responded with lay offs, more automation and higher prices just as they said they would before this nonsense was passed. Don't be at all surprised when many places just close their doors.
I do agree that the federal minimum wage could stand to be raised. Its been $7.25 for far too long. I could get behind $9, maybe $10 per hour. But $20 is ridiculous and Californians should have known that way before this was passed.
Touch screen ordering systems are readily available. I've seen videos where they're working on automated systems that prepare the food. The technology already exists so that you can run an entire fast food restaurant with only 2 or 3 actual people. This is California future and they did it to themselves.
This isn't a surprise. Its been in the news several times since the law was passed. The liberals praise it as a victory for low wage workers. The fast food industry responded with lay offs, more automation and higher prices just as they said they would before this nonsense was passed. Don't be at all surprised when many places just close their doors.
I do agree that the federal minimum wage could stand to be raised. Its been $7.25 for far too long. I could get behind $9, maybe $10 per hour. But $20 is ridiculous and Californians should have known that way before this was passed.
Touch screen ordering systems are readily available. I've seen videos where they're working on automated systems that prepare the food. The technology already exists so that you can run an entire fast food restaurant with only 2 or 3 actual people. This is California future and they did it to themselves.
and the thing here too is, anyone after all that automation can work in a fast food place...

even...Al Bundy

I’ve a cousin who moved to Coomifornia a few years ago and drank the koolaid. She used to be pretty intelligent but her brains gone soft. We had a “interesting” discussion where she was promoting a $15 minimum wage and stated that it wouldn’t effect prices😳. I said “ where do YOU think the money’s going to come from”…..THAT produced some stuttering and a lot of “uh’s”😊. I think there’s something funky in the water out there,..😏
Anyone with half a brain can figure out if you raise minimum wage to 20 bucks an hour then the stores will have to raise prices or lay off people to stay in business. so the wage increase will be consumed by higher prices. So which is better, the store goes out of business? they lay off employees? or we all pay higher prices. I swear these blue state governors can't think ahead for nothing.
Anyone with half a brain can figure out if you raise minimum wage to 20 bucks an hour then the stores will have to raise prices or lay off people to stay in business. so the wage increase will be consumed by higher prices. So which is better, the store goes out of business? they lay off employees? or we all pay higher prices. I swear these blue state governors can't think ahead for nothing.
and with layoffs, comes more shoplifting, public disturbances, and no police response..

in the actual end..??

boarded up buildings and urban blight.