
Considerations for Lethal Force

I think this was a great article. Training is excellent but very expensive and sometimes can take days and not always convenient to where you live. A lot of "experts" will complain that it is not training but taking part in the shooting sports like USPSA and IDPA can really improve your skills. You will learn to draw faster, become more accurate, avoid hitting the wrong target, incorporate movement into your shooting, and become safe with your handgun.

Now it is not a gunfight. many say it is just a game but part of that is your choice.. If you carry a Glock but decide you want to shoot a STI 22 round double stack 2020 then complain it's not like your carry gun well that's on you. You will sharpen your skills, you will meet like minded people and make friend, but most of all IT'S FUN!. Don't be put off by watching the matches on Shooting USA or such. Local matches are a lot more simple and slower.