
credit card companies back off "tracking"

They can tell you anything. I don't have any problem believing that they've been tracking firearm purchases for a while, they're just not telling you about it.

^These were my first thoughts.

After watching the entire video the first thing I'm thinking is I'm pretty sure the federal government already has a pretty good idea of who has guns and just about what guns they have.

If you don't think the ATF is keeping those 4473s or somewhere keeping a record of the background checks that they're doing I think you're very naive.

Second thing, Geo tracking your phone. I don't know if I told this story here or not but when I worked as a security guard for the City of Colorado Springs they sent me to a burglary in progress call at the Valley High Golf Course on Chelton Street in Colorado Springs.

Of course, the burglar was long gone by the time I got there. All I did was gather information from the police to file a report with the city. Then my supervisor had me drive around the parking lot for 4 hours until they figured out a way to relock the door to the clubhouse. That was the only time I ever went to the Valley High Golf Course.

6 months later a notification popped up on my phone from Google asking me to review the Valley High Golf Course. they knew I was there and I'm sure they know every time I walk into a gun store.

I don't think they're ever actually going to go to door to door picking up guns but if they do they're going to have a pretty good idea of what you have and where it's at before they get to your house and when they get to your house they're going to show up with a gunpowder sniffing dog that's going to tell them where everything's at anyway.

Last thing, I'm sorry to say that the left has already won the Culture War. They won it when they took over the NEA. They've been training our kids for at least two generations maybe three that guns are evil. 30 or 40 years from now when we're all dead they'll just tell our grandkids to turn them in and they will.
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I think by announcing they were tracking was merely virtue signaling to placate the bellyachers. After some polling they probably found the stunt wasnt as effective as they thought or hoped.
All CC Purchases are tracked regardless. They know how much toothpaste you buy, the brand, the size tube, where you bought it either a grocery store or a dollar store and how often Including the last time. Ever notice those coupons that the register shoots out, all items you once purchased or similar product under a different brand.

It could also have been a legal issue that gummed up their charade, but never let the guard down and there’s always some agency that’s doing covert snooping anyway.

Pay Cash.
I think by announcing they were tracking was merely virtue signaling to placate the bellyachers. After some polling they probably found the stunt wasnt as effective as they thought or hoped.
All CC Purchases are tracked regardless. They know how much toothpaste you buy, the brand, the size tube, where you bought it either a grocery store or a dollar store and how often Including the last time. Ever notice those coupons that the register shoots out, all items you once purchased or similar product under a different brand.

It could also have been a legal issue that gummed up their charade, but never let the guard down and there’s always some agency that’s doing covert snooping anyway.

Pay Cash.
They can't see the items on your receipt. Just the total amount and the vendor.
They can't see the items on your receipt. Just the total amount and the vendor.
which all anyone can "see" is a gun store or sporting goods store(s), that may/may not necessarily sell firearms...(not all sporting goods stores sell firearms (ie) Dick's Sporting goods, which "used" to sell at one time...

it was (maybe still is??), an intrusion into everyone's lives...

it would be as intrusive into our lives as if our wives (or mistresses) used our credit cards to go and buy sexy "unmentionables", and the .c.c companies track that as well....

the only thing a c.c. should ever concern themselves with, is when we near our credit line limit, or go over that, then call or email us, informing us of such a concern.

this nonsense of tracking needs to stop, for anything we purchase. as long as they get those monthly payments, they should just STFU.....

then too, why don't we get to know what the corporate big shots do with thier high dollar bonuses..???

bet then, they are all "hush-hush" about that......as it's "no ones business"......right..????
which all anyone can "see" is a gun store or sporting goods store(s), that may/may not necessarily sell firearms...(not all sporting goods stores sell firearms (ie) Dick's Sporting goods, which "used" to sell at one time...

it was (maybe still is??), an intrusion into everyone's lives...

it would be as intrusive into our lives as if our wives (or mistresses) used our credit cards to go and buy sexy "unmentionables", and the .c.c companies track that as well....

the only thing a c.c. should ever concern themselves with, is when we near our credit line limit, or go over that, then call or email us, informing us of such a concern.

this nonsense of tracking needs to stop, for anything we purchase. as long as they get those monthly payments, they should just STFU.....

then too, why don't we get to know what the corporate big shots do with thier high dollar bonuses..???

bet then, they are all "hush-hush" about that......as it's "no ones business"......right..????

I mostly agree. Then again my wife, a CPA and financial advisor, is fond of saying " If you didn't pay cash for it you can't afford it". All these people we know buying these $80,000 trucks and vehicles. A lot of them running on expired temp tags because they couldn't ( or wouldn't) pay the sales tax. My wife drives a 2017 Avalon we bought used and I drive either a 2003 Lexus 330 or a 2005 Dodge Ram, both of which I got free. We own 3 houses, 2 of which we bought outright and the one we live in will be paid off next year. Most people I know get big 'ol tax returns. I admit I am a little jealous because I never do even though what I pay in federal taxes is as much as a lot of people make in a year. My wife's rule is " As close to zero as possible". If we owe or get a return of $500 or less she's happy. No point in giving the feds a year long interest free loan.

To her credit cards are only good for internet purchases or restoring someone's bad credit.
this nonsense of tracking needs to stop, for anything we purchase. as long as they get those monthly payments, they should just STFU.....
But it's not going to. So there's no point in raising hell about it.

This is one of the "benefits" of a Cashless Society. When you have the cash in hand, you control your finances.

When "your" "money" doesn't exist except for as a number on The Bank's computer, They control your finances and They decide what you can and can't buy or even if you can participate in the economy.

A long time ago I had a supervisor who was a big "Coast To Coast" fan. I worked nights and he worked the day shift. He would come in every morning and he would quiz my coworker and I on whether or not we had listened to that night's episode of "Coast To Coast".

He was forever telling us that the economy was heading for a collapse (which it is) and that we needed to start investing in gold right now.

Every time he said it I would ask him "What are you going to do when you've got all your money tied up and gold and the first thing the Government does (When the economy collapses) is outlaw all gold transactions?" Like they did in the 30s. His response was always the same "There will always be a black market for gold." Do you really trust a criminal to give you fair value for your gold?

The Revelation 13:16-17 KJV
[16] And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: [17] And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Currency is only good until the government says it ain’t.
The cashless society is coming if these people have their way with a Central bank system.
The Euro replaced dozens of currency and notes when it was introduced under a guise of economic stabilization. It allowed 3 years to convert currency hard currrency to be exchangeable, put as long a ten years for the French franc. The USA is under some economic stress right now and for the past two years - if anyone hasn’t noticed.
So the USD can one day become obsolete too as this Country continues to spiral downward by the Fundamental Change Plan of 2008-2024.
Cash-less is another word for no hard currency, period. All electronic with the ability to be monitored by a central bank and rationed based on another new concept in the works - the freedom suppressor “social credit standing system”.

Bassbob…I’m trying to look for receipt, but certain retailers that use these new computer Point-Of-Sale cash register software systems, they code the individual item by UPC bar code or how it’s imputed by the retailers shop. Anything ‘scanned’ or programmed is recorded. It’s a good way to track business operations internally like for purposes like inventory and staffing. These POS are programmed show what and how much of something was sold in a day/month/year, highlights peak/lull sales hours, tallies and determines sales taxes collected. The POS register is linked to the company providing the service, who in turn have sales revenue figures that allow the retailer report its tax forms to IRS.
On one hand it helps with a small business’ bookkeeping but on the other it can’t be overridden as a cash-only register.

I can’t recall if my last handgun had a UPC, at the LGS, but receipt was clearly marked, as for a recent online ammo purchase, receipt indicated it as merchandise, but noticed it contained my ISP address, the server and date/time the order was placed.
I'm so glad to hear that credit card companies are backing off tracking their customers. It's a great step towards giving people more privacy and autonomy over their finances. It's also nice that they're listening to customer feedback and making changes that are beneficial to everyone. I think this is a great example of how companies can take a proactive approach to customer service and make changes that show they care about their customers.
So you actually trust what they say?