
Current Newsletter from the Virginia Citizens Defense League

Since the link does not work I figured out a way to post most of the newsletter. Sorry for the inconvenience.





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It sucks to live in Virginia and other Dem controlled places. Arizona has a Dem gov who likes to do her part. Plenty of folk have moved here and contaminated the electorate, but we do like guns.
Minnesota is experiencing the same thing. Not enough rural/red voters to keep them at bay. :(
Maine is the same. a short six years ago we were at least a deep purple state. Now we are just Pink-o-commie ruled. 40 years of the education system run by anti-American draft dodging cowards, (took em long enough to get their degree right up until the end of Vietnam) and their protégée, 60s-early 70s get back to the land Hippies, A steady immigration of "this place has gone to hell, let's move and turn that into what we a fleeing from", and the latest, the Covid refugees leaving Boston, NYC, Hartford, etc., buying up what's left of "the working waterfront" and much else, "working" from home. :mad:
Don't tell me to move. All my life I work hard and long hours to support or prop up three families. What I got is mine free and clear, but if I liquidated it all it wouldn't be enough to start somewhere else. I don't just disagree with liberal or dislike them. I HATE THEM!