
DST - Keep It, Or Lose It?

As to the time change, no preference, do what they want with it.
I appreciate the Anabaptist practice of setting their time thirty minutes different from the "world".

I would consider myself an irresponsible parent if allowing my child to ride a school bus or attend a pubic (not a typo) school under any circumstance. Same for growing dull and stupid with a cell phone, TV or game station, never knowing what is going on in the world beyond their elbow, with tunnel vision on the OMG's & thumbs up on Farcebook, unable to think, reason or make sound (moral) judgements in life. (BUT, many parents are doing the same thing) so it is hardly the child's fault. Pubic education is not education, it is re education/indoctrination promoting breakdown of the family unit. Major cause of where we are as a society today. Children ( parents who never matured ) raising children not good. When I grew up lots of folks were in church on Sunday, a shotgun and rifle standing in the corner of the house which no child ever touched without permission; no gun "violence" and the only folks "packing" were law enforcement cuz folks could go durn near anywhere showing respect and not be threatened. She's a brand new day folks, I'm not so fond of it compared to the past yet go in Peace and mind my business yet to the goon who comes seeking trouble hope he finds all he wants and more.
Lose it. We have these neat things called light switches now.

Go :30, split the difference, and lock it there. AZ and HI do just fine without it.
