Three Canadian Starfighters
The Royal Canadian Air Force had some 200 CF-104s build under license by Canadair in the 1960s. These formed an incredible 8-squadron commitment of the 1st CAD (Canadian Air Division) to the NATO standing air forces in Western Europe that included arming these rocket-ships with U.S.-supplied atomic bombs for if the balloon went up for real (go ahead and try to get 8 squadrons of anything from NATO these days!). By 1970, however, with defense cuts coming, these 8 squadrons were reduced to just three.
However what a beautiful three they were.
Three Canadian Starfighters
The Royal Canadian Air Force had some 200 CF-104s build under license by Canadair in the 1960s. These formed an incredible 8-squadron commitment of the 1st CAD (Canadian Air Division) to the NATO standing air forces in Western Europe that included arming these rocket-ships with U.S.-supplied atomic bombs for if the balloon went up for real (go ahead and try to get 8 squadrons of anything from NATO these days!). By 1970, however, with defense cuts coming, these 8 squadrons were reduced to just three.
However what a beautiful three they were.

Three Canadian Starfighters
The Lockheed F-104 Starfighter, called the “missile with a man in it” due to its construction and “Lawn dart” due to its unforgiving flying characteristics (the Germans call…