
For The Texans Amoung Us

grapeshot back then in cannon days was a pretty nasty combination of STUFF
some troops used to wrap human feces in wadding along with the chains, and stuff
Around 2007-2008 we and the Israelis found out that the modern equivalent of shooting the **** was Palestinians using HIV/AIDS infected suicide bombers in the hopes that victims on the periphery of the kill zone would end up with embedded tissue fragments and become infected as a result. Nice bunch, huh.
Around 2007-2008 we and the Israelis found out that the modern equivalent of shooting the **** was Palestinians using HIV/AIDS infected suicide bombers in the hopes that victims on the periphery of the kill zone would end up with embedded tissue fragments and become infected as a result. Nice bunch, huh.
and the ever popular pressure cooker bombs or IED, filled with rat poison and ball bearings or nails
that stuff prevents blood clots removes the vitamin K stuff
not only does the victim suffer gross body damage from nails, ball bearing and other shrapnel, but the stuff is coated with rat poison..
we humans sure can come up with the worst stuff

i have heard of used needles as grape shot or packing in IEDs...