
GOA blasts omnibus spending bill over gun control


Founding Member
Sad situation for everyone, nobody actually read this bill and all the amendments it has, it was passed by both democrats and republicans and does feature some anti 2nd amendment stuff, guess you can’t count much on the right to actually protect your 2nd amendment rights just as you can count on the left to go after your 2nd amendment rights……

Sad situation for everyone, nobody actually read this bill and all the amendments it has, it was passed by both democrats and republicans and does feature some anti 2nd amendment stuff, guess you can’t count much on the right to actually protect your 2nd amendment rights just as you can count on the left to go after your 2nd amendment rights……

The republicans that voted for it are all the usual suspects. Kinzinger, McConnell, Collins, etc. Probably Roy Blunt.
This is a consequence of the non partisan hit job that began before the 2016 election. In fact it was the whole point. Preserve the status quo, retain power for the establishment.

I'm glad to say that Roy Blunt was replaced by Eric Schmidt, former Missouri AG and along with Josh Hawley ( R Missouri) a non establishment, no BS, constitutionalist, conservative republican.
Two of our senators voted for that junk and they are giving them holy hell on their facebook pages. never would i have imagined they would side with the demonrats and vote for that stuff. they are probably done here. next election they won't make it most likely.
Several of them are not running for re-election. Including Roy Blunt. We need to get rid of Mitch McConnell. Pronto.
This is the message i left on Cottons farcebook page. he refuses to explain why he voted for it so far.

Mr. Cotton, i know you won't answer this but your silence and refusing to answer the people of Arkansas that voted you in is a complete shame and a black eye to the state of Arkansas. You and Boozeman have voted for something probably neither one of you read. It's sad our once republican senators have turned Democrat. when all the stuff in this bill turns to crap and cost the American people Jobs, Money and many other things. just remember you voted for it. I have voted for you in every race. no more.
When you look at the report it's all about funding fed agencies & special do-nothing analyses & support (aka pay-offs) to party-line NGOs.

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Things have probably always been the way they are now in our government, but we just didn't know about it. The news stations and newspapers could have easily just not reported it. Now that just about everybody is on the internet, the "window" has been opened. There is a lot of anger in our country now because of it.
So, the next question is what is the dems giving up on the next vote? You know the 1 that I'll vote yes on this bill as long as you vote yes on my bill.
Doesn't work that way anymore, it's more like "If you give me this, I'll give you that" type deals in Washington these days. Everybody gets what they want, except for us poor schmucks that have to foot the bill and live with less individual liberty. 🤷‍♂️