
Happy July 4th

Happy Independence Day!

The American Revolution - and the War for Independence - were about much more than “taxation without representation.”
The Revolution was about unlimited, arbitrary power - complete and total supremacy over the colonies.
And the battles started over a British gun control program.

On 18 April 1775 in Boston, British General Thomas Gage was ordered to destroy weapons and ammunition being stored in Concord, fifteen miles away.

Happy Independence Day everyone! On this day I like to read the famous speech made by Patrick Henry which ends with the immortal words, "I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" I have tried to attach a copy of it. I hope you can read it.

The speech wasn't written. Henry wasn't a writer. He was a natural born orator. He just got up and spoke with a passion and rhetorical brilliance that won people to his cause. The speech had to be reconstructed by Henry's biographer William Wirt. So this is the only version I could find online, and it differs very slightly from the version I have in the biography. Anyway, it's worth reading.


  • PatrickHenryGiveMeLibertyAddressExcerptsFinal-rev-1-25-16.pdf
    182.6 KB · Views: 238
Happy Independence Day to all.

Side note and a sad state of affairs; I live on a city street that has more/less 100 single family homes. I took note yesterday and found that there are only about 9 households that are displaying Old Glory, those are the same ones proudly waving everyday and any time of the year.

Does it mean around 90% of my reliably compliant neighbors are satisfied with the way their current government-given, socioeconomic freedoms are going so far after just 16 months?

I yet to see a lone kook donning a Star Spangled face mask outdoors riding their electric fat tire bicycle either… if it matters.