
How to Correct Pistol Malfunctions: 5 Tips


Founding Member
Semi-automatic pistols, which make up about 20% of the guns owned in the United States, have a lot of benefits. Unfortunately, creating a more complex mechanism means they can be more prone to malfunctions as well. Understanding what to do in various circumstances will keep you, your firearm, and everyone around you safe.

How to Correct Pistol Malfunctions: 5 Tips

Interesting, always good to practice and become familiar with the gun-in-hand…and something to teach the young‘ns. Finding a range to do live-fire drill with snap caps might be a problem.

The ubiquity of pistols… might there be any newbies finding the wheel gun fashionable again? These revolver malfunctions need a different approach worth reading up on.

Long long ago, during running a box of .357’s I had a Colt revolver just jam, stop the trigger that kept cylinder from rotating. I don’t remember what the range instructor did in that case other than keep the gun pointed down range.
I think at first, he may have thought just a squib round, still I knew last round fired but never can take a chance - clearing even a revolver. Turned out to be snapped trigger spring, thinking back I don’t recall if the hammer spur was dropped or cocked.