
Illinois Registration is Coming Soon

What do you think gun owners are going to do about the rapidly approaching registration?

  • Move their firearms out of state

  • Move themselves out of state

  • Sell firearms required to be registered

  • "Lose" them somehow

  • Actually submit and register their guns while whining about it

  • Prepare for war, encouraging and joining others in armed resistance.

  • Suck their thumbs and hope for the best

Results are only viewable after voting.


Master Class
It is obvious the courts are not going to act before registration is required. :mad:

Thanks to examples from Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada we fully understand that "registration" means confiscation a couple of years after the government is fairly sure they know where the guns are.

Illinois is now requiring "registration" of many firearms under penalty of prison for failure to do so.

What do you think Illinois gun owners are going to do?
We already had a judge issue a stay, then that weekend the state cried and an appellate judge for 7th district placed a stay on the stay. Judge McGlynn gave us a stay in the Southern part of the 7th. Judge Easterbrook rescinded the stay 6 days later. We had oral arguments a week and a half ago only because Justice Coney Barrett rattled their cage. Easterbrook and Wood interrupted our arguments and took it down the path of the absurd, equating bearable arms to destructive devices.
Still awaiting a ruling so we can A) get our rights reinstated or B) appeal to the SCOTUS and get our rights reinstated.
If they have something to lose, they will register.
If they have puddinghead lefties next door, they might register.

Finding a court to challenge will take time. Judicial Monopoly. JB approved a redistricting, strategic alignment (they don’t believe or follow the science of census) of the court map to keep more Dems in majority thru out the system.

Also and most importantly for 2A, IL just changed the law that shopping for courts (constitutional challenge and appeal filings) can only be done in two counties, Cook and Sangamon, essentially making impossible to get cases heard in more conservative regions, not to mention travel if plaintiff is not local.

For the most part, the registration portion of the Safe T Act is all theatrics on the part of the lawmakers. The amount of revocations of even the simple FOID (firearm owners ID) is minimal, not to mention the many active criminals that don’t even abide and are never charged with firearm registration violations (let alone pay a fine or cash bond).

This is a revenue grab. I expect higher FOID fee, a registration fee, other fees and maybe a letter in the mail saying you owe IL $ for past ownership or lapse in renewals.

Not everyone can afford stuff, no matter what that stuff is. Privilege to drive, but must have a license to legally drive but you don’t need a license to register the car if you don’t drive…right? Its not a simple or basic for a firearm which might just sit in a safe 364 days a year.
Revenue grab and infringement.

Illinoisans are screwed.
On a whole, this is so far a honor system registration requirement like FOID, but one day as the gov whittles away freedoms, this too will have a major impact to search and seizure.
They are not making new Constitutional Amendments, they’re eliminating them.
Oh, and is it not a law already that to buy a firearm or ammo already you need a FOID card ?

So, they known where the gun owners are anyway

True. But what guns …. thousands were person-to-person transactions, inherited, etc preceding the 4473 and that comes form ATF. So its odd they want this info from compliant sheep, they can’t even keep up with FOID’, CCL and even a drivers license records.

Wont be too hard to find firearm owners just by tapping voter registrations anyway.

My FOID # is so low that either I’ll be first batch to get boot-jacked or hopefully the paper records are stored in a dark, damp corner of the basement in Springfield IL already succumbing to mold and half eaten by silverfish.
Some of us are trapped in this godforsaken $h!thole. People are leaving the state. There's been a steady exodus since Madigan blocked Rauner every step of the way. The tail quite literally wags the dog here.
Yes, as mentioned, they have manipulated district lines, judicial rules and ethically violated the law that the gov himself pushed for regarding campaign contributions. But when there's a D after your name, it's all good. Pay no attention to the little man behind the curtain.
Guess many have forgotten that some of the district attorney's and a vast majority of the sheriffs have publicly stated they will not enforce the law. So I guess we'll see which ones have the backbone.
While the distances between things in the midwest & east are much shorter/closer compared to the west I would imagine once you get out of the big eastern cities living conditions are much better.

That's a fact. The massive overpopulation problem this planet has means those elements are creeping out though. Developers in the northern part of my county are putting up apartment buildings with section 8/ HUD kickbacks so the closer you get to the city the more of that crap you see. I doubt I see it in my lifetime where I am. We just have regular old meth/fentanyl addicted rednecks stealing to contend with mostly.