
In Defense of Another

Thanks Michael.......good considerations.

One of the reasons why an Honorable citizen(s) fail/choose not to intervene. Sad to see a person being beaten down on the streets and everyone ignoring the proceedings. It's sad but understandable. A "Good Samaritan" can wind up the victim, or Bankrupt by litigation, even if he made the correct decision. Part of this dilemma is due to unscrupulous attorneys and the law/courts.
So why didn’t the sister call 911 or why didn’t the neighbor call 911 after the sister gave him all her details? He could have met the police there. Honestly, is anyone going to jump in their car, rush across town armed, to rescue their kidnapped neighbor and not think this could go really badly. That’s what the police are for.

Maybe the neighbor did call 911 but this poorly written article doesn’t tell us that. Instead it hails the neighbor as a hero, but I don’t know why because he didn’t stop the kidnapping from proceeding.

I think if the neighbor had managed to shoot the kidnapper and save the girl we’d be reading a different article about a gun owner who made a bad decision. But that’s not the point of this article, which is brought to you by a ccw coverage company, they’re trying to embolden the concealed carrier to action because ultimately CCWSafe is going to earn out of it.

Be a good witness folks.

For transparency, I have coverage through USCCA and their disingenuous advertising drives me crazy too!
In one of my CCW classes, an instructor told us about an incident where a passerby (who was armed) heard a woman screaming because she was being raped; he shot the guy dead, only to find out afterward that it was a consenting couple role-playing.

On the flip side, there are many cases where people are being harmed/raped and nobody does anything. (Case in point a couple of months ago where a woman was raped in a subway car while riders did nothing or worse, filmed the incident: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/ph...ed-rape-did-nothing-officials-say-2021-10-19/ .)

If you're going to be "a good guy with a gun," you'd better be able to pass the "reasonable man" test as well as leave nothing to interpretation.
I posted long ago a misfortunate incident where the 3rd party eliminated the threat of a public shooting with a rifle and upon acting on the threat, stopped him.

He picked up the rifle to remove it from the vicinity of the shooter after he stopped him.

Police arrived and thought the 3rd party savior was the shooter and killed him.

Police later admitted they shot the savior and not the threat.

Super sad
I posted long ago a misfortunate incident where the 3rd party eliminated the threat of a public shooting with a rifle and upon acting on the threat, stopped him.

He picked up the rifle to remove it from the vicinity of the shooter after he stopped him.

Police arrived and thought the 3rd party savior was the shooter and killed him.

Police later admitted they shot the savior and not the threat.

Super sad
Is there a bottom line?
Failure to identify (motive) the target?
The 3rd party caused LE to "feel threatened"?
The 3rd party was pointing the firearm at LE?
Pointing the firearm at anyone?
The 3rd party failed to comply with LE commands?

Or...........LE.........with the radio transmissions ringing in their head..........upon arriving at the scene........made assumptions..........on the transmissions..........and in a rush................. failed to pause just long enough to access the true situation......and delivered a death sentence to a good Samaritan ?
You seem to have an underlying hatred for dumb animals. Or at a minimum no regard for them.

And before you respond consider this. You have given at least as much reason for me to jump to that conclusion as anyone here has for the BS you’re currently spewing about anyone putting animals above humans. Which you seem to have pulled out of your ass.
Well Thank you Bob, I always enjoy compliments!

Apparently you and others don't comprehend or I don't communicate so well, or simply pick out the point you want to respond to rather than the overall theme.

Allow me to clarify:

1. Very few animals are "dumb". Some are more intelligent than their owners.

2. I respect all of nature and animal life, sometimes more than the so called civilized human animal.

3. Animals, even those for slaughter or labor deserve some consideration, why must your reward for a fine meal be the misery in which it was produced? Do not all things living deserve a ray of sunshine, a breeze of pure air, a cool drink of water and a comfortable place to rest? Of what desire or benefit would they not?

4. I don't have "an underlying hatred" for anything.

5. Why be more outraged (or more severe consequences) of an offense against an animal than an innocent human?

6. And the question was: If a person would rescue/save an animal from mistreatment, why would't he do the same for his own kind, an innocent human, perhaps his neighbor?

7. And some, whether you believe it or not, will sacrifice durn near anything for an animal and ignore their brother in need.

And before you respond............................................................................
Name a single person here who fits point number 7 ? Which you keep trying to hammer home. When no one said anything like that.

You start a thread championing a law that protects animals from abuse, then when people respond that they agree with it you accuse them of putting animals over people.

It’s almost as if you are purposefully trying to provoke reactions. But you wouldn’t do that. Would you ?
Name a single person here who fits point number 7 ? Which you keep trying to hammer home. When no one said anything like that.

You start a thread championing a law that protects animals from abuse, then when people respond that they agree with it you accuse them of putting animals over people.

It’s almost as if you are purposefully trying to provoke reactions. But you wouldn’t do that. Would you ?
My list had references to other posts on related topics.

You said something to the effect that you "would kill a thousand men before abusing a single dog".

How many Pit Bull type dogs would you kill that were mauling a person? Any?
My list had references to other posts on related topics.

You said something to the effect that you "would kill a thousand men before abusing a single dog".

How many Pit Bull type dogs would you kill that were mauling a person? Any?
To answer your question about the Pitbulls, I'd kill ANY animal mauling a human being unprovoked.

Also, I said I would kill 1000 men before I would abuse an animal. If this was Bob's magical kingdom I can probably think of 1000 men I would kill just because they simply don't deserve to live. How many animals can you say that about ? And yeah, we could start with the A-holes in Africa killing elephants and rhinos and other shite for which no valid reason to kill exists.

The difference here is critical thinking. Dumb animals ( by which I mean all animals other than man) really don't possess critical thinking skills. Whereas I do. Would I kill a guy who cut me off in traffic or called my mom a B***h ? Hell no. Would I kill a Hitler or Milosovic or the grand wizard of the KKK ? Well, I would damn sure kill them before I would shoot a F'ing elephant I can promise you that.

As for your original post, you started hurling around a lot of insults at people who basically agree with you. I mean how much worth can you assign someone who kills a F'ing puppy ?
"As for your original post, you started hurling around a lot of insults" Hurling around "a lot of" insults? Not me. Seems you can hold your own in that department.
"As for your original post, you started hurling around a lot of insults" Hurling around "a lot of" insults? Not me. Seems you can hold your own in that department.
Except mine were reactionary. See I don’t particularly care for people taking a comment I made in a thread about killing puppies, like “ I would kill 1000 men before I would abuse an animal” and then taking jabs across two or three other threads insinuating that I value the life of a dog over the life of a human.
Except mine were reactionary. See I don’t particularly care for people taking a comment I made in a thread about killing puppies, like “ I would kill 1000 men before I would abuse an animal” and then taking jabs across two or three other threads insinuating that I value the life of a dog over the life of a human.
I'm Kool with that. To be precise though it was the penalties for the offenses to animals being more stringent than those for humans which might/could imply a person thought more of a pet than a person. Ya gotta admit though Bob, some of those statements of what a person wanted/would do to the offender were, well, IMO unreasonable/vindictive.
I'm Kool with that. To be precise though it was the penalties for the offenses to animals being more stringent than those for humans which might/could imply a person thought more of a pet than a person. Ya gotta admit though Bob, some of those statements of what a person wanted/would do to the offender were, well, IMO unreasonable/vindictive.
Well with stories like this people get emotional and without a doubt those comments were kinda tongue in cheek.

Although personally I don’t think they were ridiculously unreasonable. But then I think that Michigan kid who shot that school up should get the death penalty so wacking one arm and one leg off a guy who beheaded a puppy sounds reasonable to me.
Except mine were reactionary. See I don’t particularly care for people taking a comment I made in a thread about killing puppies, like “ I would kill 1000 men before I would abuse an animal” and then taking jabs across two or three other threads insinuating that I value the life of a dog over the life of a human.
Ignore him please he’s just trying to get people all upset, his comments are ridiculous.