
knocked on my buttocks big time


i went for my flu shot a few days ago, and then, a couple of days after that, i got knocked down hard on my butt with side effects.

i was "very lucky", that i got my family member to her home that night, and i just made it to my house, when "all hell broke loose" that night

puking, aches, pains, feverish, cold sweats, dizziness, several trips to the bathroom, you name it, i been having it.. i ain't been on this 'puter for like 2 days now.

tylenol, dayquil, nightquil, sleeping for hours and hours.

i got up at my usual time of 4:30 am, had a coffee, and a piece of toast, went back to bed at about 5:30, woke up at like about 3PM...dear god.....

no nothing happening here, other than sleep, sleep, sleep.

i was never in my life, this sickly for ANY shot i have ever had.

oh well, goes to show you even us tough old guys can get knocked down and out by a stupid flu shot......
Hope you feel better soon. Thought the vaccines were supposed to be "inactive", at least that's what I have heard. Maybe not always...
yes, they are inactive, but it is our bodies reactions to them. i just did several readings before i posted my "story"...

some people do get sickly, some simply do not, as i mentioned, this is the very first time i got knocked down like this.

in fact, it's nap time again.........after i swallow like 47 more tylenols.....
Was this a regular flu shot? If so , I don't get them because of what you just described. Since I became disabled in 2005 I have had 3 regular flu shots. Each time I got very sick. I got the first shot because of my Dr's. urging due to me having COPD . There were several years between the shots also .

The reason I got another flu shot after my first bad reaction was because my Dr. , at the time , told me there was no way the shot caused it. I skipped a couple years and again he talked me into getting the shot. Same for the third and final flu shot.

I refuse to get the Covid shots.
Every year that vaccine changes. The brains get together and decide which strain will be prevalent and then tweak accordingly. Sometimes they get it right, sometimes they don't. Regardless it still gives some protection. With the Flu vaccine it also matters what type you get. The nasal stuff is an active virus. The shot is a dead vaccine however it is incubated in an actual chicken egg so if you have an egg allergy you could have issues.
Crazy stuff. A thirty year old co-worker got her last booster and couldn't lift her arm. While my mother-in-law got her covid booster, shingles booster and flu shoot all at once and didn't miss a beat or have any soreness...smh.
Sounds like you got sick...i.e. Antibodies doing their thing. But why did you have the reaction now?
I’ve been getting the seasonal annual regular dose flu shot for about 15 years, never an issue. I don’t think I’ve ever had a serious influenza since I started the annual shot, I do have allergies in early Spring/Fall often interpreted as maybe a “common cold”. I only started this regiment because of the multi-cultured public workplace. Last year without my knowledge I was given the double dose for those 65+. The only side effect was soreness to the injection site for about a week.

Never had any of the mandated injections or boosts and don't plan on getting any of these. Not sure if I’ll opt for this double-dose this year as my health seems unchanged and I no longer work in risky, congested public environs. Funny how these once trusted routine preventive injections have lost their appeal and efficacy.

Hopefully you have recovered and will benefit from your reaction and have built up more resistance to seasonal flu strains. I’d certainly check with the doctor and find out what exactly they gave you. Your experience has definitely made me more aware and will be checking the label on the syringe before the jab.

About a year ago Moderna announced testing of a combo Covid / flu shot.

"Today we are announcing the first step in our novel respiratory vaccine program with the development of a single dose vaccine that combines a booster against COVID-19 and a booster against flu," said Stéphane Bancel, Chief Executive Officer of Moderna.

Moderna Working On Combination COVID-19 Booster And Flu Shot

I also saw a Doctor on the news this morning talking about a large increase in Cold / Flu in children early this year, he said the isolation from other kids during the pandemic has decreased the immunity for the cold and flu and the now that the masks are off, kids are getting exposed again.
One of my buds has a RN sister. She told him that drug companies where combing the Flu shot with Covid boosters with no public notice. Full disclosure, I have not verified this info in any way. Just putting it out there to rile people up.

Recently heard from a doctor on the weekend radio talk show that getting a (low dose) Booster is ineffective if the original initial shot was never taken.
I would hope and think this combo vax is based on an individuals medical record, which may not be absolute or correct depending on where they live.

This system (and believe me it’s shared) seems to add more suspicion and distrust over what now have become free run experimental open trials. Its always been that a larger adult would need more amount of a specific dosage than a smaller framed adult, say aspirin or pain relievers. I don’t know and never asked, but is the amount of vaccine (cc’s) any different or in a particular range for a 100 lb adult vs a 250 lb. adult?

Think I’m going to pass on any injections for the next three years...but now drug companies are offering these vax medications in pill form. What’s next, adding it to mass water distribution?

It’s always been a tough life for the white lab mouse. But now…what a mess.
Was this a regular flu shot? If so , I don't get them because of what you just described. Since I became disabled in 2005 I have had 3 regular flu shots. Each time I got very sick. I got the first shot because of my Dr's. urging due to me having COPD . There were several years between the shots also .

The reason I got another flu shot after my first bad reaction was because my Dr. , at the time , told me there was no way the shot caused it. I skipped a couple years and again he talked me into getting the shot. Same for the third and final flu shot.

I refuse to get the Covid shots.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me..
One of my buds has a RN sister. She told him that drug companies where combing the Flu shot with Covid boosters with no public notice. Full disclosure, I have not verified this info in any way. Just putting it out there to rile people up.
I think that is BS. They are not doing this and when they do I am sure they have to inform you. This is how crap gets started. If you don't know for sure keep the hole closed!
Was this a regular flu shot? If so , I don't get them because of what you just described. Since I became disabled in 2005 I have had 3 regular flu shots. Each time I got very sick. I got the first shot because of my Dr's. urging due to me having COPD . There were several years between the shots also .

The reason I got another flu shot after my first bad reaction was because my Dr. , at the time , told me there was no way the shot caused it. I skipped a couple years and again he talked me into getting the shot. Same for the third and final flu shot.

I refuse to get the Covid shots.
yes, it was just a "regular" flu shot. but it may have been a different formula than in the past? there are so many strains of flu as we all know. so maybe this shot had more dormant variations?

i must get a flu shot every year, i am a diabetic, and am on several high blood pressure meds.

just the very first time i been knocked down by a stupid shot.
Every year that vaccine changes. The brains get together and decide which strain will be prevalent and then tweak accordingly. Sometimes they get it right, sometimes they don't. Regardless it still gives some protection. With the Flu vaccine it also matters what type you get. The nasal stuff is an active virus. The shot is a dead vaccine however it is incubated in an actual chicken egg so if you have an egg allergy you could have issues.
Crazy stuff. A thirty year old co-worker got her last booster and couldn't lift her arm. While my mother-in-law got her covid booster, shingles booster and flu shoot all at once and didn't miss a beat or have any soreness...smh.
yes, exactly, depending on the strain and veracity of the flu season, they "tweak" that formula a bit.

i have no allergies to eggs.
Sounds like you got sick...i.e. Antibodies doing their thing. But why did you have the reaction now?
I’ve been getting the seasonal annual regular dose flu shot for about 15 years, never an issue. I don’t think I’ve ever had a serious influenza since I started the annual shot, I do have allergies in early Spring/Fall often interpreted as maybe a “common cold”. I only started this regiment because of the multi-cultured public workplace. Last year without my knowledge I was given the double dose for those 65+. The only side effect was soreness to the injection site for about a week.

Never had any of the mandated injections or boosts and don't plan on getting any of these. Not sure if I’ll opt for this double-dose this year as my health seems unchanged and I no longer work in risky, congested public environs. Funny how these once trusted routine preventive injections have lost their appeal and efficacy.

Hopefully you have recovered and will benefit from your reaction and have built up more resistance to seasonal flu strains. I’d certainly check with the doctor and find out what exactly they gave you. Your experience has definitely made me more aware and will be checking the label on the syringe before the jab.

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i don't know why a reaction now.......i was feeling really good before i got the shot, that is to say, no colds, fevers, or any other indication of illness.

my last booster covid shot was in oct of '21, and i had a flu shot then, and no issues.

maybe just a different formula this time?

i am "feeling" a tiny bit better, i took ibuprofen instead of tylenol when i took my morning nap.
I think that is BS. They are not doing this and when they do I am sure they have to inform you. This is how crap gets started. If you don't know for sure keep the hole closed!
I don’t think it’s to far fetched, with this current administration and the way they and the CDC are in cohoots, I wouldn’t put anything past them, just remember they don’t have to inform you diddly squat during a so called pandemic…..look at all the misinformation that was given about masks, distancing and the vaccine……anyway, hope you feel better soon old me
One of my buds has a RN sister. She told him that drug companies where combing the Flu shot with Covid boosters with no public notice. Full disclosure, I have not verified this info in any way. Just putting it out there to rile people up.
yeah, i would think that there would be an announcement of doing such to the public. if you have no valid proof, you had better be served to not start any :poop: , as you gain no points with me nor anyone else with that :poop:
About a year ago Moderna announced testing of a combo Covid / flu shot.

"Today we are announcing the first step in our novel respiratory vaccine program with the development of a single dose vaccine that combines a booster against COVID-19 and a booster against flu," said Stéphane Bancel, Chief Executive Officer of Moderna.

Moderna Working On Combination COVID-19 Booster And Flu Shot

I also saw a Doctor on the news this morning talking about a large increase in Cold / Flu in children early this year, he said the isolation from other kids during the pandemic has decreased the immunity for the cold and flu and the now that the masks are off, kids are getting exposed again.
again, i'd hope that there would be a formal announcement of that happening, and then give people a choice, "regular or deluxe"