
Lethal Force: When Less Is More


Founding Member

Debunking the flawed “shoot ‘em to the ground” concept when it comes to using lethal force for self-defense.

Lethal Force: When Less Is More

I have to admit I never heard of the “ shoot them to the ground” concept. I’ve only ever been trained to stop the threat and stop shooting when you have. Generally along the training guidelines of a couple to center mass and if that fails a couple to the pelvic girdle or the head if feasible.
the idea of an intentional mag dump on a bad guy doesn't sound so smart, especially, as the article points out, what if there are more than one bad guy? living in nj where mags are capped at 10 rounds that is another consideration, at least for me.
Note: The guy in the pic isn't using the technique described in the RDS article.

Just shows that one must alter the way to sight the pistol whether you use fixed or and RDS sight.
I think some tacticool took "shoot until the threat stops", which is a common police training concept, and perverted it into something else that it was never intended to be.

Words are important in training. Common sense should prevail but often does not
I remember when the common thinking was keep shooting until either the BG falls down or you run out of bullets.