
Loading Mags with Arthritis


Total Newbie ... First personal handgun since getting out of the Army many years ago: Hellcat OSP. What a beautiful pistol! My problem is that arthritis often makes loading magazines very difficult. Are there any good, Hellcat-specific loaders out there you'd recommend? Thanks!
Get yourself a Maglula magazine loader. Works on Hellcat (plus many more pistols), and loads several different calibers (9mm - 45 ACP, etc.) Example of one in Midway USA link below:

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BIG ditto on above guys,
Have tried a few different loaders on Hellcat mags.
Not one worked as well as MagLula on new Hellcat mags.
In time, when mags have loosened up, others may work as well.
But why?

ETS C.A.M. Speed Magazine Loader is another good loader, but not on new Hellcat mags.
