
Maine Shooting News?


Has anyone else noticed that the story of the shooting in Maine has died down? I haven't seen it much in the news and the politicians haven't used it as I thought they would for an "assault weapons" or "hi-cap mag" ban.
My suspicion is the news of the failure of using Maine's yellow flag laws after his stint in a psychiatric hospital over the summer or following up with failed wellness checks in September took the wind out the sails of it being the gun rather than the lunatic or government agency incompetence.
Or maybe other news of the day (Israel vs Hamas) has taken precedence? Maybe I'm wrong but it seems to have disappeared from the headlines. Just my observation.
" the news of the failure of using Maine's yellow flag laws after his stint in a psychiatric hospital", seems to be an issue !! The governor is in the process of creating a commission to investigate this !!
A week or so ago when I first read/heard about all the warnings involved in this situation, I suspected right then it would be hushed up asap. Another example like the asininity of officials still holding up the manifesto of the shooter at the Christian Elementary school. What ever happened to the premise that the gov't works for the people? jj