
Mastering the Element of Surprise for Personal Defense: The Sheriff's Take

The reactions of the grandma was great! Criminals should probably think twice before they decide to attack country folks like that. The country folks are used to taking care of themselves, just like the grandmother did.

Another great article by the Sheriff. Thanks Anni.
I like the grandma's tactic. While she used it in the country, I hear it works in the city too. A guy at my BJJ school who worked as a private security consultant told me that he advised employees who had to walk to work in anti-2A cities to buy a cup of the hottest coffee at the closest 7-11 or bodega and keep it in their hand on the walk to work. I'd always prefer a firearm, but I can see how a face-full of scalding hot coffee could deter an attack.

I think the guy was way too into coffee. He used to also advise non-confrontational city-dwellers to keep small valuables (watches, cash, jewelry, etc.) in an empty Starbucks cup with a lid on their walk home. He said muggers always take the wallet, but never steal anyone's coffee cup.