
Navy SEAL Tricks Will Help You Perform Better Under Pressure


A brief interesting and likely helpful article about breathing techniques / tricks Navy Seals use to relieve stress and pressure.
Try using these techniques when needing to think in the next high pressure situation, they can help.
Breathing is more important in difficult situations than many people may think?

A brief interesting and likely helpful article about breathing techniques / tricks Navy Seals use to relieve stress and pressure.
Try using these techniques when needing to think in the next high pressure situation, they can help.
Breathing is more important in difficult situations than many people may think?

Good techniques to practice, up to the point of contact, and I guarantee you NO ONE will have the discipline to even think about breathing methods when the firefight erupts.
I try the breathing exercise daily, I dont know how I would respond.

Many people train daily in controlled breathing exercises. Maybe hard saying how anyone would respond until in a given situation requiring good stress control? Many peoples capabilities and situations are different too. - Not everyone who trains to become a Navy Seal becomes one either? Many physical exercises generally require good breathing methods. From other information, the breathing "tricks" are studied and practiced by Navy Seals for at least 6 weeks. So, it isn't a quick study, but it isn't too lengthy either? Good breathing techniques can also help in other areas too. Like when taking aim at possible targets.

There's almost countless other information available about the benefits from controlled breathing training and in more detail available elsewhere too, via YouTube videos from former Navy Seals and others. This article just touched base on some of the reasoning behind some exercises.

The Navy Seals breathing techniques mentioned in the article above are actually centuries old and aren't unique to just the Seals. Some is based on yoga practices. The short article below helps explain in more detail:

Without the timer, I would go to sleep.
How to do box breathing
Set a timer for five minutes.
Sit with a straight spine on the floor or in a chair with your feet flat.
Close your eyes and inhale for a count of four.
Hold your breath for a count of four.
Exhale for a count of four.
Hold for a count of four.
Repeat until the alarm sounds.

IT is very relaxing.
I've used this technique for a long time with great success at calming and slowing the heart rate. Doing it in a fast paced combat situation would probably prove quite difficult. It's great for slow shooting though. I use the Wim Hoff method to amp up. There are a lot of free apps to help with proper breathing techniques. There's a ton of new science out there showing how important breathing is. Interestingly, it's instinctual but many people don't do it correctly. Who'd have thunk that we can learn new ways to simply breath properly.