
One Million Firearms Sold for 44 Months in a Row


“March’s NSSF Adjusted NICS figure of 1,556,492 marks 44 consecutive months when background checks have exceeded 1 million,” NSSF spokesman Mark Oliva explained. “That sustained figure is clearly demonstrative of America’s continued desire to exercise their Second Amendment rights to lawfully purchase and own a firearm. "

Have always heard that the best gun salesman is a liberal democrat in the White House who continually screeches for more gun restriction laws and dreams of confiscation plans.

If you follow their logic, there should be at least half a million mass shootings every month, probably more like a million. Or maybe the gun isn't the problem? Sorry I forget that thought and logic are verboten in the restriction and confiscation debate...


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this is why they are so hell bent on red flag laws, that surprisingly NY said was un constitutional
but they will persist in going ahead.
the KY shooter will be tossed on the alter of CRAZY people and guns, but no one ever thought he was crazy other than having adhd? adhd is a catch all for lazy doctors and people looking for an excuse to act like a shithead
but his case will drive more in depth red flag laws, where your parishioner sitting next to you in church will dime you out to the fbi because you didnt kneel this morning in church, during the prayers, or you recited the original prayer vice the screwed up one the pope changed. so SHITTT you must be a radical . and OMG they saw in town at the liquor store..hmm why were they there?

the 67% EV is just one more FLUCK YOU to the AMERICAN people. let free market decide on what mode of transport you desire or can afford.
especially when the elite in government are UN AFFECTED by any of the epa crap..
oh yes there is a clause in the constitution about congress shall make no laws that do not affect them

or OMG you state outloud the country is in a shitt basket and change is needed to flush out all the critters in congress.
term limits PLEASE now,
“March’s NSSF Adjusted NICS figure of 1,556,492 marks 44 consecutive months when background checks have exceeded 1 million,” NSSF spokesman Mark Oliva explained. “That sustained figure is clearly demonstrative of America’s continued desire to exercise their Second Amendment rights to lawfully purchase and own a firearm. "

And that’s just one of @BET7 warehouses…..😬😬😬😬