
Pearl Harbor Day

I visited Pearl Harbor when I was in Honolulu. It was deafeningly silent, sad, and solemn, especially at the Arizona Memorial. I'll be watching "Tora, Tora, Tora!" tomorrow in honor of those who were serving there on that day. My best friend's Dad, a Navy Medic, was stationed there but would never speak to anyone about the horrors he witnessed after his return, including his own family. December 7th, truly "a day that will live in infamy".
In "15" I visited Pearl Harbor. Hit all the available displays/ships, with most telling the "Arizona Memorial".

Besides Pearl Harbor, December 1941 was a grim month across the Pacific.

As the bombs echoed at Pearl, Japan unleashed a Pacific onslaught from the Philippines to Malaya.


Japanese troops advance past the remains of a British Hudson bomber in December 1941 during their relentless drive down the Malayan Peninsula. The early destruction of the enemy's air and naval power were keys to Japan's overwhelming success in the campaign.
When on active duty went to HI several times TDY, but never made it to the AZ Memorial. Finally, the wife and I took a real vacation and we went to the memorial. In the auditorium, the park ranger gave a talk in one of the most serious and somber voices I've ever heard. You could hear a pin drop. Nobody said anything on the trip to the memorial and back. I'll never forget that talk or that voice.
When on active duty went to HI several times TDY, but never made it to the AZ Memorial. Finally, the wife and I took a real vacation and we went to the memorial. In the auditorium, the park ranger gave a talk in one of the most serious and somber voices I've ever heard. You could hear a pin drop. Nobody said anything on the trip to the memorial and back. I'll never forget that talk or that voice.
It is amazing that after all these years the AZ is still bleeding with the fuel oil droplets rising to the surface.