
Plate Carrier Set-Up 101: Duty vs. Civilian

Great free, online emergency trauma response training at Mountain Man Medical.
Informative article.

If I had to choose between being fully ambidextrous and body armor, I'd choose ambi. A skill is always with me, the plate is often in the closet at home...or in the trunk of your LEO cruiser. Not sure how well it translates to firearms, but in tournament/xball paintball where we learned the crucial importance of ambi "optimal use of cover" we found that it was very rare to be hit in the areas that would be covered by armor.

Moreover when snap shooting, body armor (vest, ammo, IFAK, hydration) is mass that must accelerated from behind cover, then brought to a stop, fire the shot, and then accelerated back behind cover. Again in xball it's all gunfighting, whereas in real life there is a lot of waiting and administrative tasks to manage, so the paintball obsession with this mass may not be as much of a factor.